Wednesday, October 24, 2018

This Time, It's Personal...

This Time, It's Personal...

What did I do differently today so that I don't have the same day again tomorrow?
Well, (yesterday) I went to Internal Affairs for the second time here in Los Angeles to complain about the possible genocide against myself and my natural (or nuclear) family, that being myself and Yolanda Anderson (mum) and my dad, Russell Anderson.
Although I'm not dead yet, plenty of risky assaults and harassments are directed at me daily, everywhere I go.
When my mom passed away, (she was severly disabled, like someone with Alzheimer's) she fell face forward (again) and knocked her front teeth out and cracked a bone in her neck. She later died.
Hollywood made fun of this in their magazines.
My father died a year later, and he too seemed to pop up in magazines and movies in metaphor. I have reason to believe he was tortured in the hospital before passing.
And then there is me--me, me, they say in the Matrix movie. (Sadly that scene is a metaphor about being taken over from the inside by the FBI or cops as they inhabit your body, making you do, say, or think whatever they want.) I am 13 years and counting while people continue to make fun of my situation as if I'm a tv show of somekind. I am not.
Operation Birddog is filled with disgusting homosexuality (I have nothing against men who are homosexual--that's not what I'm talking about), sexual assault, lewd behavior, loss of law and conscience, flagrant misspending and the weaponization of military and sheriff's (?) for purposes that just boggle the mind. This is a your idea of fun? Taking people hostage and sexually assaulting them and then bragging about it in metaphor? Aren't you supposed to be a cop and/or an actor?
I am waiting to hear back from Internal Affairs. I don't expect anything to happen per se. Apparently, someone has rented out the entire country for Satanic purposes and there isn't anything anyone can do about it.
I keep my fingers crossed, waiting. I was told that the Sheriff's are the strong arm of the CIA against minorities in this country, keeping them "subservient" to whites and that is what is going on here--enforced supremacy over my potential, not a "right to pursue life, liberty and happiness" as all men are supposed to have in this country. They sure do want my obedience and taxes on time. Also, the CIA needs to stop practicing that th century voo-doo. Or maybe it's doo-doo. Dookey? Anyway, your going to win sometimes and lose sometimes, but it's not as bad as you think--there's always another job, mate, property, opportunity, etc.
You guys need to upgrade your doctrines to reflect current science not continue with 18th Century Hinduism which is what Aryan philosophy is--a master race, pure blood, a caste system, the swatztika and more come from old, Hindu ideologies.
There is nothing as inexcusable as a man who wants to act like he's from a bygone era so he can behave like a nut. With the police eager to get in your nervous system, talk with your daughter, steal your property, incarcerate you without a trial, walk in and out of your house with impunity, you would think we were talking about Saddam Hussein's federales but we are not we are talking about contemporary cops and feds--white, college educated cops and feds with desires that make a sane man wretch and where exploits and trophy pics can only be displayed on the Deep Dark Web.
"As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15
I am not religious today but proudly carry a Judeo-Christian foundation underneath. It serves me well and helps me make good decisions, although I can falter like anyone sometimes.
Believe it or not, most of my problems intrapersonal and interpersonal are caused by Skynet, not me.
Well, that's enough for now.
I continue...

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Blurred Lines: Competition or War?

Blurred Lines: Competition & War

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I blog, therefore I am. Ugh.

I read a few blogs from time to time and listen to  a few podcasts. An idea has come up again that I've heard before--it's the adaptation of Szun Zu (and others) philosophies for war as applied to entrepreneurship (Think Robert Greene) and interpersonal relationships.

War vs. Competition

This idea caught my attention this time because of it's possible relevance to my situation [Operation Birddog]. I have reason to suspect that there is literally and genuinely a confusion taking place domestically and in other places that blur the distinction of war and competition and so I thought I would quickly put my two cents worth into it. Confusing the two is deadly and expensive and is probably taking place subconciously in many places. There may even be some out there who intentionally confuse others to get them to do their war-mongering disguised as competing for them.

Let's give it a go:


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If you want to find writers on war, you can start with the ususal suspects: Szun Zu, Clauswicz, and so on. The (read: their) reasons for war, stategies for campaigns, psychology for the warrior class in society, and so on.

Although war is brutal and horrific, we still have laws and rules for engagement. Being engaged in a war doesn't mean anything goes. For example: The Geneva Conventions for the protection of captured soldiers and the wounded, The Protocols for the nonuse of poison gases, Rules of Engagement, Rules for the Use of Force, and so on...


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You know what a competition is--you've been racing against your siblings to the mailbox since you were a child.

In the workplace, you compete for the best salary, a management role and a voice in the company. Your ability to compete here becomes  "critical" since you now have more responsibilities relying upon you: school loans, a mortgage and so on.

Domestically, we have laws  so that we "place nice" with each other. Laws against usury, unfair business practice, sabatouge, illegal surveillance, theft, fraud and so on. These things seem obvious and they are if we are to have a healthy country of Americans who can trust and do business with each other as well as have recourse when something goes wrong.


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Now that you've put up with my high school-ish suppositions, I'll try to make it worth your while. We now begin to confuse war with competing together and see what happens.

Russia's doping scandal during the Olympics of **** is somehting of legend. I highly recommend the Netflix documentary about it, Icarus. Some of it appears staged, but for the most part, it's a good yarn.

Not only did Russia cheat with steroids to win the Olympics and then get banned for it, they have reportedly bullied the judges who banned them from competing in the next Olympics to get themselves back into the next heat.

What's at stake? I can't imagine it being that much money. Throwing one's weight around, winning at all costs, etc. would seem to be the message Russians want to be associated with.

Again, wars are not competitions and competitions are not wars. You cannot cheat with drugs during  a match if that's what you've agreed to, get caught, get disqualified, and still parade around like you've won. You haven't. What you did do is betray yourself to the astute that you are at war with those around you even if they are not and are there to compete by the rules.  And some of those competitors put their lives into playing fairly and by the rules. They even swim to America with just the clothes on their back and make it all the way through Master's programs in computer science. Do you think they want to discover that the "game" here in America is to have police are steal their data (for their own personal gain) or capturing them like butterflies in their skynet? This is an example of military vs. nonmilitary fought domestically. Don't laugh. Your teenage daughter could be sleeping with an older gentlemen from the "safety" of her bedroom over the Sky.

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God vs. Satan

God vs. Satan? Bear with me and I'll try to make this worth your while.

This is a classic war everyone knows at least vaguely. Very few know it thoroughly or correctly.

The war between God and Satan is correctly understood as a war between two idols: the law and oneself.

There is no such thing as "God"--it's a metaphor. As well, there is no such thing as "Satan". It too is a metaphor used for teaching.

Those who idolize God or Jesus or Krishna, etc. are, sometimes unwittingly, making an idol of the law--and that's a good thing. Those who eschew the law and religeon or philosophies they find constricting are making an idol of themselves and specifically, of their "wants".

In the bible, this is a theme that repeats itself many times. When Moses descends from the Mount of Olives, he finds the Israelites in a hedonic and drunken frenzy, worshipping a golden calf they themselves had contrived. This was against the law and they were punished for it.

When the earth became overwhelmed with crime, Noah was alerted that there would be a great flood to wipe out the wicked and that he was to build an ark to save mankind (himself) and the animal kingdom.

When Sodom & Gommorah had become overrun with sexual hedonism, Abraham, was instructed to warn the residents to repent for soon it would be destroyed.

In the book of Genesis, the bible opens with a story about Adam and Eve (mankind) and a serpent (the devil) who, persuades them to eat from a tree that would give them powers of perception so that they could think for themselves.

Jesus was an idol for his followers who always exemplified a living example of someone bound by the law. Many, many great acts have been done in his name.

Whenever a culture of people become "ungodly", in the bible God dispatches a superman to warn them that correction is coming.


There is no such thing as Satan. As Dr. David Hawkins has stated, "The devil is a level of conscousness, not an entity." (So is God.)

Satan, correctly understood, is nothing other than a man without a book. A hedonist.

It is a person who refuses to be constrained and wants to do whatever he wants to do. It is what a man is by default.

This is not uncommon in today's society with many people demanding "white priveleges", immunity from prosecution, and so on. These things are wanted not because they have the maturity of a federal judge sitting on the Supreme Court with the ability to weild such authority but because they are spoiled or afraid or want to cheat those around them. Perhaps tell others what to do.

By the way, there is no contest. The God vs. Satan showdown, otherwise known as The Law vs. My Own Naivete, is always destroyed by The Law. The most successful cultures the world has ever seen mind the law. Those who think they can "wing it" always fail and create atrocities.

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Playing by the Rules means Fair Competition

Not only does playing by the rules mean fair competition, it means equity for everyone; maybe even knowledge.

Acts of war like assault, poisoning your competition, slander, theft of their equipment etc. are not acceptable and should not be taught as acts of competition--they are not.

Operation Birddog (Bear with me.) is a great example of a "culture" of people who are increasingly emboldened by not having the rules apply to them. Homosexuality, misspending thousands of years on ads not seen by the intended audience, sexual assault, possible assault of the elderly, collusion, contempt of court, racism, treason, misspending billions of dollars, etc. can all be found in this project.

This is an act of war against God--"the rules" by "Satanists"--people who idolize their wants.

It looks like a situation ripe for one of the Bible's supermen to destroy a culture of people going off the rails, but in this particular case, it looks like America's hero is going to be Russia, not the FBI. Lol.



Sunday, July 15, 2018

Evil Genius: Sometimes It Backfires

EVIL GENIUS: Sometimes it Backfires

Devils. Charismatic Villians. Sociopaths. "Pretty Little Liars". Evil Geniuses.

I am now 49 years old.

I am old enough to remember a time when every movie, tv show, and program on cable and the internet DID NOT have  a charismatic villian to deal with. It's show business to be sure, and it helps if your bad guy is easy on the eyes. He also needs to be clever to keep the story going or at least difficult to find.

WHY AM I mentioning this? What's the point? Well, I feel as if it's becoming too pervasive. And I think it's causing the United States numerous mental health problems (and in turn exhoribitant losses) that it doesn't realize it has.


Tell me, have you heard of these aphorisms or terms before? Can you tell me where they come from? Here goes: Garbage In/Garbage Out. As a man thinketh, so is he. Psychocybernetics. Reticular Activating System. You are what you eat. You become what you think about. The Strangest Secret. Behavioral Psychology.

I was listening to a podcast by an intelligence officer who was discussing his work with Russia. He has been studying them for quite some time and does this for the agency. He said, "In Russia, the way to power is through the military." and "In Russia, spy movies and [hacker] movies are on 24 hours a day. It's a part of their diet." Now, everyone knows how "shrewd" the moves made by Russia have been over the last few years. They even show up in American cinema and culture constantly (I have predicted this is by design and a way to prep Americans for a possible merger in the future. I did this on Twitter 2/14/18 and have also explained the psychological strategy on Twitter but it was years ago.).

Is there a cause-effect relationship? Scroll through the movies offered by Netflix, HBO, Amazon and at your local cineplex and you will discover that everyone from Jason Bourne to Fred Flinstone is battling a "devil". Hell, even Adam and Eve had to deal with a snake that talked them into stealing fruit from a tree that would grant them the ability to think for themselves. And what are snakes anyway if not "smooth" "mesmerizing" and "poisonous"?

There is a personality typing system--possibly the oldest one known, called the Enneagram. The personality type, "charismatic devil" is a Number Three in the model. In all, there are nine core personality types, each with a healthy and unhealthy version of the category. There is, according to this model, a Healthy Three...

I feel this topic is relevant because I am discovering too many people who are cackling like witches (or Pretty Little Liars) when they encounter someone they have done wrong instead of remorse. And it's not callousness because the person injured is an enemy.

 I find Unhealthy Number Three's constantly in law enforcement, Hollywood, and politics as well as young people who haven't finished maturing yet. I myself went through this faze temporarily while growing up and still have the journals and drawings to prove it. (If you are Enlightened, there are consciencious ways to use this "archetype" as needed.) Do you know where I (almost) never encounter this personality type? The STEM fields!!

Let's put this one away for now and address what's happening on the other side of court. This is where you will find your nemesis:


If there's one thing that's becoming as pervasive as the charismatic devil, it's got to be the goddamn "supersoldier".

Do not misunderstand me. I regard myself as a supersoldier in my own right and I am attracted to people who are "gifted" and have been since I was a teenager. I was casually looking at IQ tests and "psychometrics" before the area of study even had a name.

However, this is becoming something trite in contemporary storytelling. You can't go to the aforementioned places (the cineplex, Netflix, HBO, Amazon, etc.) without "tagging along" with the recruitment of some young man or woman as they undergo a training and transformation into a superman.

In fact the first place I am personally aware of this pattern is in the original, gorgeous, timeless Star Wars of 1979. Luke Skywalker, a peasant and farmworker, is trained to become a Jedi Knight by Yoda, a caricature of a zen master and puppet. (They have no idea how lucky they are to have pulled this off onscreen.) But since then, there are too many too often. Superman, Spiderman, Ironman, The Incredible Hulk, The Hunger Games, Jason Bourne, and myriads and myriads more are following into the same pattern of training and transformation.

Now to be fair, if you are a fan of say, Ironman, as I am, watching him build his suit, as he did in the second film, was totally awesome. It fleshes out the character and let's you into his world a little more thoroughly. I found the scene motivating.

Just like the Evil Genius, the Supersoldier is also pervasive and showing up in numerous places: podcasts and podcasters (guilty), comic books, DARPA, books, MMA training and fights, nootropics, gene therapies, ketogenic diets, "Unlimited Power" weekend seminars,  and doctors who no longer treat ill patiens but only work with healthy clients on "health extension and maximization".

If you were a parent or the CEO of a company (or country) you would certainly want to have a bunch of healthy supersoldiers running around. And I don't mean Evil Geniuses confused with Supersoldiers or vice versa. You want the strongest calibration you can reasonably get for integrity. AND THAT my friend, brings me to the final section of this blog and it's whole point:


Undoubtedly you have a self-image. What is it? Do you know where you got it from? Are you conscientously managing it or is it a haphazard thing? Not only do you have a self-image, an IDOL, but you are likely trying to stay in rapport with it as well. All of this is happening subconciously.

Are you a Supersoldier? An Evil Genius? Are you a Martyr? A Catholic? An Athiest? A skinhead? Are you a Leader or a CEO? How do you think a CEO is to act or behave? How does a CEO treat others? His equals? His subordinates? Where did you get that idea--from Netflix or someplace else? Who and what are you worshipping? What are they making you do or say?

Whatever you are calibrating for is taking place in your subconcious mind. Make it concious. Become aware of it. Change it. Try something else for a while if you can or want to. Or just leave it, if it is serving you well and your devotion to it is ecological (intrapersonally and interpersonally) and positive for the world you live in and the people around you.

The consequences are EXTREMELY HIGH to have a nut in a position of power who sees himself as a "charismatic devil" and he doesn't have to be a president of the United States. Police officers who see themselves this way or a group of people who see themselves this way (you'll probably find them on the Deep Dark Web) are demonic in their mistreatment of their fellowman and of all of the systems that support us--economic, judicial, moral, ecological, military, educational and so on. Even Hollywood has people who use something like 250,000 gallons of water each month to water their rose garden (this is not a joke) while just a few miles away in Van Nuys, people are not allowed to wash their cars or run the washing machine between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (or thereabouts. I have a friend who lives in Van Nuys and he can't even water his front or backyard anymore. The whole neighborhood looks terrible.)
But who gives a shit, anyway? Not me.

I personally feel that the United States and other countries have far too many people who have been unwittingly duped into becoming "Pretty Little Liars" and that was possibly unintentional. After all, there is a lot of pressure to make a profitable comic or novel and if that is what's selling, then that's what they'll sell. The problem is the cybernetic loop created by the audience who start mimicking what they contracted in the theater.

Be well,



Note to Hollywood: It's been too long since we've seen a masterwork like Presumed Innocent. A fantastic thiller with an antagonist who is a total surprise and unassuming.
"They just don't make 'em like that anymore."


"Hey brother, can you spare a dollar?" No seriously--did you learn anything in the last five minutes?! Feel free to reciprocate. Anything helps, if you want to:
Paypal Donations


Oh, I almost forgot to mention!!! I have launched the #1000xH8 hashtag and it's going well. Be sure to check it out on Twitter!! And please tell your friends!!


have been
many times and so
I have 
-Ghost In the Shell

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Open Letter to FBI, Hollywood...


Open Letter to FBI, Hollywood, etc.

Dear FBI,

I have several letters in my posession from the US Attorney General, Senate Intelligence Comittee, Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, etc. stating that they have no knowledge of my being incarcerated in homelessness or of Operation Birddog.

Now everyone knows that this can't possibly be true, but it's not why I'm posting this open letter to the you.

I want you and Hollywood and the cops (same thing) to let me go. I have tried and tried to do things the lawful way, the way they were intended to work, using the system of "checks and balances". But it is rigged.

{In all likelyhood, Operation Birddog is a "classified" project. Which means it wouldn't be tried or heard in a civillian's court, to the best of my knowledge. It would also explain why supervisory and fiduciary agents (i.e. US Attorney General) are denying any knowledge of this projecty or my illegal entrapment, and they have done this in writing.

BTW, the job of the Office Inspector General is to investigate claims of "fraud, waste and abuse"--BY FBI AGENTS!!! LOL--call me naive--I had no idea that FBI agents COULD engage in that sort of  misconduct even if they wanted to and that they didn't want to to begin with. Wrong. Apparently, their misconduct and felonious partying requires an army of lawyers and investigators in Washington to keep an eye on them full time. I've learned a lot over the last 13 years. Things are so much different than I thought they were, but then, this isn't an area of interest for me.}

ANYWAY, I am getting "hit" all of the time by the cops, but never face to face--it's always over the Sky.  In addition, others are getting hit as well and there are several reasons to stop this project immediately:

1. Stalking. When checking into a hotel, you have made my bed shake, scaring the neighbors in the next room. Funny, I guess if you are watching this from a police station or Hollywood [they can see through walls with Skynet, even people] but not for me, not the hotelier, not for the neighbors. You have actually put people up to calling the cops on me (acutally, you're calling the cops on yourselves to be accurate about it) just to "get a rise" out of me. I dont' know where you get your ideas. You and I are not friends; not enemies. I don't want to be your friend. I don't want you pulling pranks on me. You play all the roles: I'm your girlfriend, I'm your cockblocker; I'm  your jailer, I'm your liberator; I'm your proscutor, I'm your defender...Slick. And it's all bullshit.

2. My electronic devices keep getting "hacked". It's not Anonymous, it's the cops, stupid. Dumping malware and spyware into devices that don't belong to you is unbelieveable. We actually pay taxes to have you watch our back as we go about our day only to discover that the cops are equally criminal as anyone they incarcerate. I've had blog posts tampered with and other intellectual property tampered with as well. The wi-fi may belong to the cops, my personal devices and intellectual property belong to me. Again, I don't know what you see when you look at me but I am not your friend. I don't want to play with Hollywood or the FBI or the cops. I find your misconduct peculiar. Eavesdropping on a person may allow you to know them but it doesn't constitute a relationship. Furthermore, I don't think your're qualified to eavesdrop on people with differing opinions, etc.

3. I am not allowed to socialize. There isn't any reason or basis for this and it's not how Operation Birddog started out. I was socializing in bars and at a hostel I worked at in San Francisco. Over the years however, many many types of hate crimes have come and gone arbitrarily, without explanation. My best guess is that different personalities are coming into and going out of Op Birddog as an assignment. Or, perhaps it's part of the "routine" to change things up. Anyway, most of what's been done is illegal, including the use of children and homosexuality. I am neither a pedophile or a homosexual. Your misconduct is gross and done under the table.

4. Magic tricks. I don't want to see any of your stupid holograms or get a psychic reading on the bus on my way to work. Every time I step into an environment, people's eyes roll up into the back of their head and they start speaking to me in metaphor. This is ridiculous. I don't need people talking to me 365 days a year in metaphor as if you're giving James Bond information he needs. Furthermore, eveyone in the room knows who your're talking to and the subject so why codify it? You're an idiot.

5. Sidewalk theater and arts and crafts. I once saw a police officer sitting in a vehicle with his engine running next to something that was left on the sidewalk purposely. Again, I don't need you doing this. If you have something to say, use your phone. Making drawings on the sidewalk etc. and paying a cop $85,000 a year to sit there waiting for me to walk by is ludicrous. The fucking idiot has a smart phone sitting on his hip. Use it.

6. I am not incarcerated. Some people seem to think that I'm incarcerated for something in my background. I am not. However, many, many conjectures can be inserted into the cause-effect relationship. For example, "He's trapped because he cursed at our people" or "He's trapped because I wanted him trapped" or "He's trapped because I didn't want to see him become successful". Some of these explanations may actually apply depending on who you ask. But my current situation, to the best of my knowledge--was NOT the original script for Operation Birddog. It was changed shortly after it was started 14 years ago. Supposedly from a story about Forgiveness to one about Vigilanteism--something Hollywood sells  24 hours a day on every channel.

7. I'm a "participant" and my complaining is an "act". Nope. I've had to pull weapons several times on people who make this mistake. I am in a hostage situation. This is not a joke.

8. Another reason we need this project stopped immediately is that we don't naturally "go together". We are RADICALLY different from one another. I can't think of a bigger mismatch then myself and the average cop or FBI agent. I don't like your sense of humor--it's actually schadenfreude--which requires assaulting or embarassing someone (me).  I prefer ecology and elegance. You prefer sending 100 people to screw in a lightbulb and they still won't get the job done. I have the psych profile of someone who was homeschooled; you, the profile of someone who went to public school. I have the psych profile of someone who reads five hours a day; you, someone who watches tv five hours a day.  You are inclined to jealousy, paranoia, war mongering and fear of losing to your "competition" with everyone around you. I am not.

9. For someone who can read minds and jump into the nervous system of others, you are strangely callous. This doesn't work for me. I get uncomfortable when others are uncomfortable. I have been sexually assaulted and so have others--a good example may be at a gaming cafe I play at occasionally--where people were complaining. Of course, they think I'm the one bringing the problem into the room, but I don't have anything to do with the cops whatsoever.

10. You are cool with wasting precious resources. My intellectual property was probably valued at tens of millions of dollars at one point in time. Not only that, it could have had a fantastic influence on America. You guys practically destroyed it out of spite. Furthermore, I have watched you waste water during a water crisis. People in America have no idea who you are or what you're into but I do. I want out.

11. You are spreading filth all over America. Pantomimes of sodomy, rape, homosexuality, drawing with feces, splashing what are supposed to be replicas of semen all over the sidewalk, getting people to pretend as if I need to be watched because I am some kind of danger--are all false and bad examples for people to see. Some people don't realize that it's a "project" created by Hollywood. I am not a danger to anyone. It's the cops who instruct people to do vile things with their person, not me. How strange that, when you aren't looking, the cops and Hollywood actually seem quite inclined to a bowl of shit over food; inclined to criminality over honor; inclined to cheating over preparation; inclined to wasting resources and me-ism over ecology and "us"; inclined to hate and often insult people who purchase their products over gratitude and honest humility over their good fortune. Who taught you to shit on others less fortunate than yourselves? Are you "a scorpion"? {I knew I hit paydirt recently, when someone hacked my site and inserted typos into a previous blog. I have heard that some of them are miseducated by the agency and that they actually encourage egomania when no one is looking. A good hint of this is the use of children for pedophilia as a form of "punishment" or harassment of those you don't like. Totally unnecessary. Clearly this is an illegal form of punishment but the "white priveleged" are taught that they can do as they please on account of being "white" and so they do. But if you try it, they will punish you severely.}

12. You could rotate someone else into my situation. Why not find someone who honestly owes jail time instead of disabling someone who doesn't owe any? Wouldn't that be a smarter way to deploy your resources. Give those dogs an honest assignment for their respective talents. Deploy smartly. DON'T BE "OUTRAGEOUS"--outrageous is for tv only.

I could go on but the bottom line is that you are criminally insane. You judge people by their looks when you have the ability to read minds. That makes no sense whatsoever except that I've picked up on the fact that you may want their approval or to "tag along" with them as they go about their lives. Ahem. (Nice mustache.)

I am owed reimbursement from Hollywood for hotel rooms. This is an obligation that shouldn't be ignored. I'm probably owed for money I've spent over the years on magazines and newspapers as well. If I was incarcerated, as you imply in your magazines, I would have Prisoner & Felon rights--that means you can't make me spend my money or take it from me. If you wrong me, you have to reimburse me--whether you want to or not.

You may think that you are being 'outrageous" and that that is the most important thing in the world, but it's not. It's a vulgar idea you got from watching the absurd situations on TV. The real world bleeds, has budgets, errands to run and little time for the absurd. Being absurd isn't elegant or ecological. That's why it's on TV where you have a safe context to watch people solve problems with their fists or get themselves into ridiculous binds, for example. In real life, problems are almost never solved with your fists, only your brains. People don't use nonverbal communication and holograms, they speak face to face every time. You enjoy communicating this way because it gives the person you spoke to over the Sky no recourse and no record of the conversation. Slick, but hardly a situation one wants to be in and a peculiar and regular habit of the cops nowadays.

So enjoy oyurselves. Have a six pack of Budweiser for breakfast and a bowl of corn flakes for dinner, I don't give a shit. I want my compensation turned over to a law firm where I can pick it up. I don't want Hollywood throwing parties or anyone else for that matter. For some reason, people think I'm a tv show or something. Nobody realizes that I'm in a hostage situation and have been for years while you publish tens of thousands of infomercials for me that I don't want or watch. How much do you pay yourselves for these "services" to the USA? You must have the US Attorney General scared shitless to do anything about it. Did you torture my father in the hospital? He was 63 years old and innocent of all of this. He was a lifelong Jehovah's Witness who only had one working arm and one working leg. He spent 25 years or so going door to door offering a free home bible study to anyone who wanted one. You stupid nigger cops.

Let's part ways--NOW.

-Titus-Nietzsche Anderson


Donations are always appreciated:

Saturday, June 30, 2018

I Have a Webcast Now!

I have a webcast now! I have no idea what I'm doing. If I'm in the mood, we'll talk about Movies, Book reviews, gaming, IQ stuff, and much, much more. Here is the link:

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Frog and the Scorpion

The Frog and the Scorpion

(Stop me if you've heard this one.)

One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided thaty he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river.

The river was wide and swift and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to run back.

Suddenly, he sawa frog sitting in the rushes bny the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream.

Helooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water. "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?"

Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you won't try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly.

"Because," the frog replied,m "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see that I cannot swim!"

Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked, "What about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!"

"This is true," agreed the scorpion, "But then I woudn't be able to get to the other side of the river! Once you've taken me to the other side of this river I will be so grateful for your help that it would hardly be fair that I would kill you."

And the frog agreed totake the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud and picked up the scorpion. The scorpion crawled onto the frog's back and the frog slid into the river. Muddy water swirled around them, but the frog swam near the surface so the scorpion would not drown.

Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back. A numbness spread throughout his limbs.

"You fool!" croaked the frog. "Now we shall both die! Why did you do that?!"

"Because...I am a scorpion."

They both then sank into the muddy waters and they both drowned.



Everyone is Not a Dog

Not to long ago, I came across an article that stated that  a dog's thinking facilities don't allow it to recognize that humans are not something different from itself (a dog) and assumes a human to be a dog, and likely the "lead" dog or alpha of the group.

Laugh out loud. What a mistake and weird handicap a dog has. But then I thought, You  know what--I've made the same mistake myself. I used to assume that everyone had a some kind of moral grounding (i.e. a cop or lawyer) like I did and that they could be left unsupervised; that their conscousness was trained and that they were pretty much aligned with our nation's laws.


People in Hollywood give me the impression that they assume that everyone would be an actor if they could be an actor. Or that everyone would like them if they only knew them. (I have had the unfortunate experience of them running riot with these ideas in their head while toying with my life.)


I have heard that White Supremacists and even earlier cultures tragically assumed that everyone would be at war if they could be at war for more money, more land, more power and more shoes! Do unto them before they do it unto you. It's just a matter of time.


Thank God no more examples came to mind. I'm done with this one.


The Totalitarian State

You are going to have to pardon my lack of education. I didn't go to college and I didn't technically earn my graduation from High School even though I have a diploma.

I was thinking the other day about the people who flee a totalitarian state, say, Egypt under Sadam Hussein or something or China. A place where a gestappo can easily walk in to your home and take whatever they want. A place where you cannot vote on issues that dictate where society is going and you would like to see happen.

Some people flee these places for their lives to get here to America, obviously, and their are numerous succerss stories of people getting here with just the clothes on their back and becoming a somebody because of the free enterprise system. Think Ayn Rand.

But there is a sinister side to America now--at least I think so--and I am not anti-American. The "sinister side" is what's actually un-American. It's the cops and what they are doing with those "skynet" technologies.

People are being captured by the nervous system as children. These kids have no choice or say in the matter. They are born into the army and will likely be raised by some kind of electronic surrogate.

Illegal search and siezure is possible. I don't mean a gestappo walking into your house and taking whatever they want I mean a gestappo walking into your mind and taking what they want. Breaking into houses is old school.

Physical assaults by the cops are entirely possible and not because of police business but because these unqualified monkeys have been breaking into people's minds and eavesdropping. If they don't like your opinions, they can hit you for it and there is no court who will acknoledge your assault by the police and their "reason" for assaulting you. Doesn't sound like the right to bear arms against a tyranous government anymore. Not only is freedom of speech out the window, but so is the ability to keep your mind and thoughts to yourself. Kinda sinister.

Entrapment. Illegal communications. Grabbing you by the balls under the table and making you endorse whatever I want you to endorse; making you commit suicide; making you sign over personal property or buy my deal are all very, very real possibilities for many, many people. See: Operation Birddog.

Anyway, it was just a thought. So many people fleeing one country and swimming for their lives for our shores only to find the devil here as well struck me as nuts. American devils are really, really advanced and don't put a gun to your head anymore. They have a new modus operandi for crime and it's the "Skynet". It is literally mandkind's nightmare. The people behind the driver's seat are not who you are going to assume they are i.e. formally educated; professional qualifications, etc. They are much more like teenagers, and they are not benign. They like getting over on people and they like letting them know it. See: Pictograms in American Media and Their Intended Messages & Target Audience. Just kidding. I know readers of my blog are already familiar with this one. If you aren't, stop reading here and familiarize yourself with past posts.

That's all for now. Peace.


Please, please don't hesitate to donate if you can. Some people are shy about it but right now I can't afford to be. Operation Birddog has caused me to lose my job and I have monthly payments due just like everyone else and Hllywd & Cops continue to make life difficult for me--13 years and counting. No trials. No convictions. Just a hate crime and publishing scam.


Afterthought: My takeaways from the first post, The Frog and the Scorpion are these--first avoid anyone who has a self-image as a "scorpion" or "king animal". And my second was this--since a child can be raised to believe in literally anything--it would behoove us to make them devout, conservative, nuns--just kidding. But seriously, a "Kardashian" (metaphor) would never trade places with a Mormon and a Mormon wouldn't trade places either. They have both matured and hardened. People can still change after the self-actualize of course, but many won't. Anyway one of the two will need an energy to (sustain) life ratio of 1: 1 but the other will want and require 100:1. I it's self explanatory from here but there is a way to capitalize on this. Third: Don't be a frog!!! Fourth--are we doomed by our genes or by our self-image? If it's the latter, why not forge a frog/scorpion hybrid?


Do you have any ideas or insights? Post them below.

Monday, June 11, 2018

With Gratitude...

With Gratitude…

Well, I don’t blog very often. I don’t know why I started...I guess it’s good to every so often. Anyway, something recently happened that kind of moved me, so I wanted to say a quick “thank you” to the good souls out there.

After 13 months at the same job as an Expo runner, (that’s the guy who runs plates of food out to the table, not the waiter) I was let go unexpectedly. Actually, I can’t say it was totally unexpected, because shortly after starting there about a month or so, Operation Birddog and it’s Satanic Filth followed me in there and started bothering everyone.

Over the last 13 months, I have missed exactly two days of work. I am not sick or accident prone and both of those two days were in the last two months, I think. Nor were they totally my fault. ANYWAY, when I went to pick up my paycheck “Bo” (not his real name and he is also our 3rd GM since I’ve been there) said that he was going to let me go because I didn’t know our table numbers or the food.

This isn’t correct. Shortly after starting work at the restaurant I was given the job and taking it from another fellow who had been working at the same position for some two years. Also, I had so much enthusiasm for the job that two or three of my co-workers joked that I might take there hours from them. I thought this was funny, but had no intentions of taking anyone’s hours or job. Futhermore, the customers seemed to like me a lot and I received a lot of compliments from them and so on…

What happened in that restaurant was Operation Birddog. It is demonic. I believe it’s Hollywood and the cops using this thing at their pleasure and at my expense. Pantomimes, gestures, eye contact that were awkward or weird were suddenly around as were other phenomena. I think things got to the point where the employees didn’t want the project in their restaurant even if Hollywood or the cops were sending new business in there while I was there. There was a lot of on the job harassment by my coworkers because that’s what the project wants so they can publish their pictures later. Unbelieveable. This level of thinking and creativity is pathetic. I have gone into detail elsewhere about the severity of this project on my mind and body and our society so I won’t do it again here.

Now we come to the point of this blog. I wanted to express a sincere thank you to the people who have been there for me throughout the last 13 years while folks in Hollywood and police stations accumulate charges: murder one, attempted manslaughter, aggravated assault, contempt of court, illegal incarceration, sexual assault, home invasion, illegal search and siezure, misuse of influence, harassment, illegal communication, illegal business union, racketeering, fraud, willful negligence and possibly many others.

During a cold winter in Phoenix, a window washing customer of mine gave me a couch to sleep on in his living room. About two years ago, another window washing customer of mine sent me $100 to help me get to my first job here in Skid Row (that would be McDonald’s and I had never been happier. No one has taken the taxes out of a paycheck in 13 years! It was great not to be working for myself for a change.) I sent her back $150 after a month or two on the job. When I was in Phoenix, my stepfamily--who all have fairly large nuclear families of there own--often gave me a couch or a space on the floor to sleep on temporarily; sometimes for several months.

There are more people and examples but I won’t go into detail here. The last thing that happened that I wanted to mention however was the appearance of what looked like a church group kind of people. This was laugh out loud funny to me. I don’t know if I’m making a mistake but I don’t think so. I can recognize those groups a mile away. They are very clean looking and healthy. They seemed to be spread out around me in some kind of circle. Everywhere I went, (I walk A LOT around Los Angeles, maybe five hours a day at least) they seemed to be not to far away, peeking at me or walking by or pretending not to be peeking at me and walking by.

Not sure what they were up to or how I got there attention, but if they were looking out for me, I must say, that caught me by surprise. I wanted to say thank you to all of you.

It is a blasphemy that people in Hollywood refuse to acknowledge me or help me. Even when there have been attempts on my life there was no help whatsoever. Despite using me without my permission, I have never received one dime in compensation. I have been used for THOUSANDS OF PIECES OF MEDIA. It’s just that they don’t use my face. That’s the loophole.

Same thing for the police. How strange that multimillionaire actors who live in a 20 bedroom,
22 ½ bathroom house won’t offer me a room or a space to sleep indoors. But they take the liberty of using me. Don’t I deserve a warning or some kind or compensation? I am missing a large portion of my life in homelessness not because of my background, but because someone wants to brag about stealing it from me.

No one in Hollywood or the Fraternal Order of Police have paid anything but they are the ones responsible for misspending some 40,000 years making infomercials for me that I don’t watch.
If you are wondering how I came up with the figure of 40,000 years, it’s posted in another blog. At a minimum I should be getting a stipend every month. My life shouldn’t be about such onerous, debilitating ordeals to find work and survive out here. They have given me myriads of problems that I can’t prove in a courtroom yet they don’t have to pay anything and apparently the FBI and US Attorney General won’t prosecute. I’ve seen pictures of Kamala Harris partying with Hollywood in their magazines. I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned about the United States, Hollywood, and the FBI over the last 13 years. It was not what I was expecting at all; it was disappointing. They always have two personalities: one for the public and one for each other; one moral and one amoral as f***.

Even my 63 year old father was assaulted in the ICU as he was passing away. He was senile and innocent of any of this. They set this up in advance to “get a rise” out of me. Getting people upset is very important to them and schadenfreude is a principal form of entertainment, penalty, conversation, and jokes. Once you are sensitized to see it, you will notice they seek it insatiably, like a coke addict. Hence, all of the assaults on myself, imposing on others in homeless shelters, my coworkers at the restaurant and so on...They have no issues whatsoever with imposing on others and believe themselves to be “special”. And if they are “special” they get to pick on “non-special” people. They won’t be held accountable by “people who are not my equal” and are apt to not prosecute one another because of their codes. They don’t like to be made uncomfortable in any way and won’t hesitate for a nanosecond to make you uncomfortable or allow you to die so that there is “more for us!”. They often print subtext in their magazines implying hate, assault, slavery, contempt for you, and so on...

My father had bruises all over his body, likely from not being turned over (while in the hospital) and other problems. It was rumored to me that I was sent into homelessness not because of the accident with “Amber” some 20 years ago, but because some of my former friends and some in Hollywood were afraid I was going to become an actor or that they might run into me socially and they didn’t want that to happen. So they banished me to homelessness instead of helping me or acknowledging that I wasn’t guilty on sexual assault charges. Sure, no problem.

Well, it’s time to wrap this up. I wanted to say thank you again to all of you! Your kindness touches me and I am very grateful. The next few weeks may be kind of “rough” finding work but I’m sure things will be fine eventually. ALSO if you want to help or send a donation you can--I set up a paypal link that I will be using to support my gaming, blogging and webcasts:

Anything would help. It’ doesn’t have to be much. I will be experimenting with webcasting soon. Hopefully it will be worth your while. Probably not too often. We’ll see.
