Monday, June 11, 2018

With Gratitude...

With Gratitude…

Well, I don’t blog very often. I don’t know why I started...I guess it’s good to every so often. Anyway, something recently happened that kind of moved me, so I wanted to say a quick “thank you” to the good souls out there.

After 13 months at the same job as an Expo runner, (that’s the guy who runs plates of food out to the table, not the waiter) I was let go unexpectedly. Actually, I can’t say it was totally unexpected, because shortly after starting there about a month or so, Operation Birddog and it’s Satanic Filth followed me in there and started bothering everyone.

Over the last 13 months, I have missed exactly two days of work. I am not sick or accident prone and both of those two days were in the last two months, I think. Nor were they totally my fault. ANYWAY, when I went to pick up my paycheck “Bo” (not his real name and he is also our 3rd GM since I’ve been there) said that he was going to let me go because I didn’t know our table numbers or the food.

This isn’t correct. Shortly after starting work at the restaurant I was given the job and taking it from another fellow who had been working at the same position for some two years. Also, I had so much enthusiasm for the job that two or three of my co-workers joked that I might take there hours from them. I thought this was funny, but had no intentions of taking anyone’s hours or job. Futhermore, the customers seemed to like me a lot and I received a lot of compliments from them and so on…

What happened in that restaurant was Operation Birddog. It is demonic. I believe it’s Hollywood and the cops using this thing at their pleasure and at my expense. Pantomimes, gestures, eye contact that were awkward or weird were suddenly around as were other phenomena. I think things got to the point where the employees didn’t want the project in their restaurant even if Hollywood or the cops were sending new business in there while I was there. There was a lot of on the job harassment by my coworkers because that’s what the project wants so they can publish their pictures later. Unbelieveable. This level of thinking and creativity is pathetic. I have gone into detail elsewhere about the severity of this project on my mind and body and our society so I won’t do it again here.

Now we come to the point of this blog. I wanted to express a sincere thank you to the people who have been there for me throughout the last 13 years while folks in Hollywood and police stations accumulate charges: murder one, attempted manslaughter, aggravated assault, contempt of court, illegal incarceration, sexual assault, home invasion, illegal search and siezure, misuse of influence, harassment, illegal communication, illegal business union, racketeering, fraud, willful negligence and possibly many others.

During a cold winter in Phoenix, a window washing customer of mine gave me a couch to sleep on in his living room. About two years ago, another window washing customer of mine sent me $100 to help me get to my first job here in Skid Row (that would be McDonald’s and I had never been happier. No one has taken the taxes out of a paycheck in 13 years! It was great not to be working for myself for a change.) I sent her back $150 after a month or two on the job. When I was in Phoenix, my stepfamily--who all have fairly large nuclear families of there own--often gave me a couch or a space on the floor to sleep on temporarily; sometimes for several months.

There are more people and examples but I won’t go into detail here. The last thing that happened that I wanted to mention however was the appearance of what looked like a church group kind of people. This was laugh out loud funny to me. I don’t know if I’m making a mistake but I don’t think so. I can recognize those groups a mile away. They are very clean looking and healthy. They seemed to be spread out around me in some kind of circle. Everywhere I went, (I walk A LOT around Los Angeles, maybe five hours a day at least) they seemed to be not to far away, peeking at me or walking by or pretending not to be peeking at me and walking by.

Not sure what they were up to or how I got there attention, but if they were looking out for me, I must say, that caught me by surprise. I wanted to say thank you to all of you.

It is a blasphemy that people in Hollywood refuse to acknowledge me or help me. Even when there have been attempts on my life there was no help whatsoever. Despite using me without my permission, I have never received one dime in compensation. I have been used for THOUSANDS OF PIECES OF MEDIA. It’s just that they don’t use my face. That’s the loophole.

Same thing for the police. How strange that multimillionaire actors who live in a 20 bedroom,
22 ½ bathroom house won’t offer me a room or a space to sleep indoors. But they take the liberty of using me. Don’t I deserve a warning or some kind or compensation? I am missing a large portion of my life in homelessness not because of my background, but because someone wants to brag about stealing it from me.

No one in Hollywood or the Fraternal Order of Police have paid anything but they are the ones responsible for misspending some 40,000 years making infomercials for me that I don’t watch.
If you are wondering how I came up with the figure of 40,000 years, it’s posted in another blog. At a minimum I should be getting a stipend every month. My life shouldn’t be about such onerous, debilitating ordeals to find work and survive out here. They have given me myriads of problems that I can’t prove in a courtroom yet they don’t have to pay anything and apparently the FBI and US Attorney General won’t prosecute. I’ve seen pictures of Kamala Harris partying with Hollywood in their magazines. I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve learned about the United States, Hollywood, and the FBI over the last 13 years. It was not what I was expecting at all; it was disappointing. They always have two personalities: one for the public and one for each other; one moral and one amoral as f***.

Even my 63 year old father was assaulted in the ICU as he was passing away. He was senile and innocent of any of this. They set this up in advance to “get a rise” out of me. Getting people upset is very important to them and schadenfreude is a principal form of entertainment, penalty, conversation, and jokes. Once you are sensitized to see it, you will notice they seek it insatiably, like a coke addict. Hence, all of the assaults on myself, imposing on others in homeless shelters, my coworkers at the restaurant and so on...They have no issues whatsoever with imposing on others and believe themselves to be “special”. And if they are “special” they get to pick on “non-special” people. They won’t be held accountable by “people who are not my equal” and are apt to not prosecute one another because of their codes. They don’t like to be made uncomfortable in any way and won’t hesitate for a nanosecond to make you uncomfortable or allow you to die so that there is “more for us!”. They often print subtext in their magazines implying hate, assault, slavery, contempt for you, and so on...

My father had bruises all over his body, likely from not being turned over (while in the hospital) and other problems. It was rumored to me that I was sent into homelessness not because of the accident with “Amber” some 20 years ago, but because some of my former friends and some in Hollywood were afraid I was going to become an actor or that they might run into me socially and they didn’t want that to happen. So they banished me to homelessness instead of helping me or acknowledging that I wasn’t guilty on sexual assault charges. Sure, no problem.

Well, it’s time to wrap this up. I wanted to say thank you again to all of you! Your kindness touches me and I am very grateful. The next few weeks may be kind of “rough” finding work but I’m sure things will be fine eventually. ALSO if you want to help or send a donation you can--I set up a paypal link that I will be using to support my gaming, blogging and webcasts:

Anything would help. It’ doesn’t have to be much. I will be experimenting with webcasting soon. Hopefully it will be worth your while. Probably not too often. We’ll see.


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