Monday, September 22, 2014

Correspondence with Dept. Homeland Security

Sent:Tue 4/15/14 3:51 PM
To:<Email Deleted>

Thank you for contacting the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL). Under 6 U.S.C. § 345 and 42 U.S.C. § 2000ee-1, CRCL is responsible for reviewing and assessing information concerning abuses of civil rights, civil liberties, and profiling on the basis of race, ethnicity, or religion, by employees and officials of DHS.
After reviewing your information, we have determined that CRCL does not have jurisdiction over your concerns. Thank you again for contacting the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
From: T
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 4:05 PM
To: CRCLCompliance

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:46:14 +0000

Dear Homeland Security,

Here is the information you reqested:

My name is Titus Anderson, I reside in Phoenix, AZ. My telephone number is <Number Deleted>. My website is

I am calling to report misconduct on the part of what is probably a number of agencies, most likely the FBI and CIA working in tandem with the Phoenix Police, the Maricopa Sheriff's department and the Producer's Guild in Los Angeles, CA.

I have already complained to the FBI numerous times on the phone as well as in person. I have complained to MCSO (Sheriff's) several times over the phone. I have submitted complaints already to the Office Inspector General about the FBI and to the Director of National Intelligence about the CIA. I have complained to Professional Standards about Phoenix Police and I have complained to the Producer's Guild and am currently trying to get Kamala Harris, Attorney General in Los Angeles to investigate/ prosecute.

The problem is as follows: Since about 2001, I have been written into a number of motion pictures, tv, newspapers, cable, magazine, etc. The number of products over the years amounts to several thousand. These products essentially become "infomercials" for my benefit.

Initially, I went to the FBI several years ago asking for a classified conversation, which was denied. I told the agent exactly, "I cannot accomplish what I have been tasked with.", meaning the covert instructions that were in the tv products at the time. Also, there were charges of exploitation against Hollywood and would they be able to help me with negotiating compensation from them? The agent said no and I left.

Since then, about seven years or so, there have still been SEVERAL THOUSAND instructions to walk, move, read, watch, etc. I originally told the agent that I could not follow the instructions in the infomercials due to health problems, which I still have. Now, I have even more problems because of homelessness and all of the walking I have to do to panhandle for money.

I estimate I have walked about 16,000 miles over the last six years washing windows to survive. In the meantime, I am constantly harassed to move, etc. The instructions come by way of holograms, movies, news reports, etc.


This is a "black op" and has not been handled professionally AT ALL. There are so many hate crimes smuggled into this project, I cannot begin to go into detail here.

I am in desperate need of financial assistance and I may have to take the stand against a number of law enforcement agencies as well as family members who may have stolen property and time from me while giving me a place to stay.

I have asked about the Federal Witness Protection Project but so far no one has any answers on my complaints and I have been complaining for years.

If you have any questions, or any help please contact me immediately. I am including copies of complaints to the other agencies in this email.

ALSO, there may be filters on my social media accounts preventing me from receiving emails/ help etc. I need those removed. Law enforcement has incarcerated me without due process using a number of technologies I cannot demonstrate in the courtroom.

Thank you.

Titus Anderson
Phoenix, AZ 85010 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Open Letter to President O'Bama

June 24, 2014

Dear Mr. President O’Bama,

My name is Titus Anderson. I am currently a window washer in Phoenix, AZ. I have reason to believe you know who I am.

This letter is an open letter to you and may be published by others, in it’s entirety, or circulated on the internet, in it’s entirety.

The reason for trying to reach you using this format is because nothing else seems to be working. I have probably 200 phone calls to the FBI, 100 to the Dept. of Justice, several to the CIA, letters to the ODNI, and complaints on file with several state prosecutors.

The reason for the complaint is that our officers are guilty of a number of charges that I cannot demonstrate by myself. I have been trapped in homelessness now for about 8 ½ years and this was accomplished unlawfully, using a number of police and intelligence agencies, drugs, manipulation, and some of my friends and family members, who apparently didn’t have to do much except keep their mouths shut while somebody else does the dirty work.

I am writing to ask you for a Presidential pardon on my behalf.  Although I am not formally incarcerated, I have been trapped in a program created by the United States. This program is at once a de facto incarceration, and as well, a game of sorts.

It’s this “game” idea where things have turned into something far too risky.  There have been tens of thousands of nonverbal instructions and intimidations to move.  I have walked some 20,000 miles or more over the last 8 ½ years while carrying extra weight on my person. People are playing games with heroin, carbon monoxide, sleep deprivation and so on. I do not want to spend anymore time at this and I have been taken against my will into this idea. A game of this scale can only be accomplished with the use of many police and intelligence officers, and it is illegal.

Even if I find the idea intriguing, it has become far too dangerous to my health.

Furthermore, I am not supposed to be “incarcerated”. There should be hundreds of police, fbi agents, movie stars, family, friends and so on who can testify that I have in fact been trapped unlawfully in homelessness, but strangely, I can’t find any.

I don’t believe the United States has any grounds for trapping me. Most of my mistakes are anywhere from 15 to 23 years ago. I suspect publishing, media, and the like to be the honest motives.

To make this idea easy for you I am only asking that the pardon be contingent upon a criminal investigation. Also that I should have the right to see what if any charges are being brought against myself and to be sure that the 8 ½ years already spent in a de facto work furlough haven’t already been more than sufficient for anything you might find from 15-23 years ago. Also, I want the ability to examine the prosecution for illegal relationships with publishers, Hollywood, etc.

I also want to point out that there is a legitimate reason to suspect ulterior motives and illegal relationships between police officers and Hollywood. The media industries started publishing information about myself before I was tricked into my current situation. The number of pieces must now be in the tens of thousands and includes our newspapers, movies, tv, cable, music, magazines, etc.

If you grant the pardon, you would accomplish a number of things. First, you wouldn’t have someone wrongfully trapped in a dangerous situation. I have been trapped now for almost ten years and I am risking multiple surgeries on my hips and knees from walking.  Second, the media companies could stop publishing there products around this idea.  They must be spending several thousand hours per week, writing  and rehearsing and performing their material. You could save the U.S. a lot of effort and money. Third, the pardon is only contingent on a formal prosecution. The pardon stops when someone has a legitimate reason to trap or incarcerate me, but I get to examine who they are, what their motives are, and so on.
I am confident that people are indulging themselves playing “vigilante” and that this is unnecessary and becoming extremely dangerous.

In the end, you will free a person who is trapped unlawfully, save the United States millions of dollars, and give me the right to pursue those who have choreographed this illegal scheme. It is the only right thing for a President to do.

Thank you,

Titus Anderson

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Open Letter to ODNI


January 21, 2014

Dear <Name Deleted> or Current Civil Liberties Protection Officer,

This letter is a complaint and may become a publicly published note.

My name is Titus Anderson. My social security number is <Number Deleted>.

I am writing to complain about misconduct by one or perhaps many of our intelligence agencies. I have been taken against my will into a project that was choreographed most likely for the purposes of a publishing deal or deals.

For the last fifteen years an astronomical amount of material, (informercials) have been written and performed for my benefit. This means tv shows, cable shows, major motion picture, newspapers both local and international, magazines, local and international news and so on.

While receiving instructions and information from these sources our police agencies are being choreographed and “activated” to “prosecute” me but without using a courtroom or proving a case.

Approximately nine years ago I was manipulated into a state of homelessness by the authorities misusing a number of technologies and people around me. The informericals  started about two to three years before I went into homelessness.

Although I have some mistakes in my background, I have nothing that would warrant nine years in homelessness with health problems given to me by the authorities. I have received literally thousands of intructions to walk or move and I already have to do a lot of walking to panhandle for work. I estimate I have walked about 11,000 miles in the last five years, possibly more.

At no time has there been any prosecutions, courts, witnesses, examinations, discovery process, etc.
I have essentially been incarcerated for sport by the police and I cannot prove or demonstrate this by myself because there is no one who will collaborate my story. However, I have accumulated several hundred “informercials” that are in my possession.

I am demanding that your office prosecute the officers responsible for choreographing this scheme and for deceiving me into a de facto incarceration. It is supposed to be the death penalty for those responsible. I have the right to an attorney, to know my civil rights, to know who is prosecuting me, even prisoner & felon rights, what the duration of the incarceration is to be, and if there are any illegal unions among police, witnesses, victims, publishers, movie stars and so on. 

As an undercover agent, I don’t want the job. It’s too dangerous. The police and their minions are too stupid and heavy handed to know when to say when. Essentially, they are making a spectacle of me so someone else can brag about it or publish it in some format for others entertainment. That could include metaphors and pictograms in popular magazines among many, many other possibilities.

I am contacting other possible leads to help me prosecute and this letter may be released publicly. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. My phone number is <Number Deleted> and my address is <Information Deleted>.

Thank you,

Titus Anderson