Monday, October 29, 2012

Smear Campaign


When encountering a man with mental health problems, the police should: 

A. Ignore him.

B. Put him on drugs.

C. Put him on drugs and then ignore him.

D. Assault/ Embarrass/ Harass him.

E. Look for something in his background, circumvent the courts and wrongfully detain/ incarcerate him.

F. Produce over 100,000 infomercials over the course of ten years for him at a cost of more than one billion dollars that he can't act on because he's being detained          

G. Injure him and leave him dependent on friends, family, St. Vincent de Paul, Medi-Care, and ultimately on Social Security Disability (Hint: Social Security is bankrupt.)

H. All of the above. 

I.  None of the above.

Hey, it's YOUR federal tax dollars at work. If you know the correct answer to the above question, shouldn't the government???

"My name is Titus Anderson, and I approve this message."

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