Friday, June 15, 2012

From Visit Four of Four

[The actual date of this visit was on May 12, 2011. This property is copyright Titus Anderson 2012]


Dear Phoenix FBI,

How are you today? My name is Titus Anderson and I need to speak with you about some of the conduct of your officers because I have reason to believe that some misconduct on the part of your agency, or some police agency, has jeapordized my life. Although I have been advised to find an attorney, so far, no attorney has expressed any interest in my case.

To begin, I guess I should mention that starting around the year 2001 or so, Hollywood has been writing me into a number of Major Motion Pictures, TV shows, commercials and so forth. I have reason to believe the FBI is well aware of this and that you may have contributed information about me to Hollywood.

This is relevant to me for a couple of reasons. First, I have been assaulted a number of times with the use of household chemicals and possibly heroin, (or something similar) several times since the year 2005, approximately. It is usually a disinfectant spray and it has almost always happened while I am residing in a homeless shelter such as CASS (Central Arizona Shelter Services) as well as other “halfway houses”.  I don’t think it’s use on my person has been incidental, I think it has been done intentionally for the purposes of assault.

Also while homeless, I have had some kind of drug similar to heroin, I suppose, put into my food, coffee or cigarette tobacco (I used to smoke but no longer do.) This has happened in several cities (Phoenix, Nogales Mexico, Orlando, San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco).

Since I suspect that the two activites are related, I need to ask you a few questions:

  1. Have you ever taken any actions against my person? Have you ever used lethal force? Was any of this done for the sake of a Major Motion Picture?

  1. Have you ever relayed any personal information about me to any member of the Producer’s Guild, Director’s Guild, Screen Actor’s Guild or Writer’s Guild of America?

  1. Have you ever assisted any member of the aforementioned guilds with a “practical joke” on me? If so, I need to know which guilds and members, dates, times and the nature, etc.

  1. Have you ever commissioned any work be done (tv or movie product) through the guilds with regard to my life or used any parts of my life (meaning friends, family members, events, personal history, etc.)?

  1. I have visited with you three different times. Have you ever given a transcript or copy of video of those interviews to any members of the aforementioned guilds? If so, I need to know which ones, etc. (Also, I would like a copy for my own records if possible.)

  1. Do you have any knowledge of any other police agency (or “spy” agency) who has?

  1. Have you ever attempted to persuade me, nonverbally (but with the use of lights, lasers, sirens, pantomimes etc.) to leave an area, vacate a home, transfer buses, leave the country, etc.? Did you do this for the sake of a Major Motion Picture or some other production in Hollywood?

  1. Are any of your agents members of the aforementioned guilds?

  1. Have you ever applied heroin, a laxative, or any other drug to my food while I have been homeless?

  1. Have you ever commissioned any covert communication intended for me in a newspaper, magazine, billboard advertisement, tv commercial, movie, music or television show? If so, I need dates, times, products, etc.

Thank you so much for your time. Last, I need to ask you to immediately cease and desist all actions you might be taking against me. My health, my social relationships and family relationships are all important to me. There isn’t anything in my background that warrants the use of lethal force but if you think that there is, I need to know what those reasons are. I feel that my long term health prospects have become endangered by the aforementioned activities and I further suspect that your agency or some police agency is a part of them.

After I receive your response, I will deliberate on what actions, if any, I should take.

Thank you for your cooperation. I can be reached at [Number Deleted] or at POBox [Address Deleted] Phoenix, AZ 85010.


Titus Anderson

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