Sunday, June 25, 2017

I'm A Gamer Now, Bee-yotch!!

I'm a gamer now, Bee-Yotch.

I had to take a break from the "PSYCHOLOGY OF ACHIEVEMENT" which I didn't conciously realize I was in: Following blogs, taking online classes, yoga, blogging, brain training, checking social media, going to work, learning Spanish, meditating, muy-thai, reading fifty books a year, intermittant fasting, working out at the gym, listening to podcasts, polyphasic sleeping, taking to many supplements...

I used to play First Person Shooter games on my Playstation years ago, but I am just now discovering the world of online competitve gaming. I discovered it by accident on my laptop. It comes with an XBOX inside! Woo-hoo Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft! (My old laptop didn't have that. That's what happens when you are forced into homelessness for twelve years so someone else (Hollywood, etc.) can brag about it.)

Anyway, after getting bamboozled for the umpteenth time by "Skynet", (it's psychic phenomena, tactile sensations, holograms, involuntary thoughts (dialouge and imagery) I sort of disengaged from the habitual world that I am "in" and gaming has been great since it requires all of your concentration, hand-eye coordination, practice and teamwork with other online players.

I also stopped checking my social media accounts regularly which also helped me to break the (psychological) spell that I am habitually in. I am now getting back into it as well as my habitual studies (with some changes).

That is about all that is new these days. I now work at a restaurant instead of the McDonald's. (The McDonald's job was the first one I have had in eleven years of homelessness, save one brief stint as a dishwasher.)

 I still don't know what my exit date from Operation Birddog is. All of our media companies (newspaper, news, music, entertainment, magazines and internet) still continue to publish for me on a daily basis. I have sifted through thousands of pictograms, metaphors, etc over the years.

 I may be moving into an "SRO": A Single Room Occupancy. This is great news since it gets me out of the shelter system. The bad news is that it's just a room with a cot and one lamp on a table. No fridge or stove or walk-in closets or bathroom. Smaller than one of Kim Kardashian's walk-in closets for her shoes.




One of the obvious things I failed to realize about the benefits of Skynet to the perpetrators: It allows them to hear the thoughts and feelings of their victims. It would also imply that some who are guilty of hate crimes on others were aware that their victims had no malicious intentions and posed no threats to them but were assaulted anyway (i.e. racisim). Skynet allows the agitators to hear what their victims have to say about their injuries and losses. Sweet!

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