Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Anti-Christ


"You can do it!"

"Success is up to you!"

"What you can imagine and believe, you can achieve!"

Well, sometimes.

After a serious attack at my place of employment that left me psychologically paralyzed, I realized just how much control I DON'T HAVE over my life and you don't either.

When unscrupulous people are allowed to use Symbolic Systems (sometimes referred to as Skynet) you will learn that you can't control your own mind. You can't control your thoughts; you can't control how you feel; you can't control psychological harassment; you can't stop physical or unwanted "touching" (i.e. homosexual or pedophilia); you can't control how you feel physically; you can't do anything about collusion; you can't control how much sleep you get; you can't control how others respond to you or what they think about you; you can't control what people say to you or what they do around you in public; you can't control what personal information about you is circulated without your permission or where it goes...

When I dwelled upon my existential situation like the aforementioned, it left me thunderstruck and demotivated. I lost interest in keeping up with my studies and other routines. I can do everything right and still have everything turn out wrong because I am being "ghosted" by dirty cops or some corrupt group of people who get a kick out of doing these kinds of things.

I am feeling better and motivated again but with an improved map for the territory. The real solution to the problem is requiring and enforcing protocols for those who get remote access to others. You wouldn't allow a sex offender to become a gynecologist, would you? Why are we allowing unqualified people to use Skynet? Why does it take seven years of schooling to become a shool teacher or a psychologist or an attorney but seemingly no education whatsoever to get onto and use Skynet? When all of the cards are on the table, we require certain protocols for certain jobs but when no one is looking it appears there are no protocols.

Seven years of formal education before I can teach the kids how to write in cursive.

That's really a ridiculous situation but I can't do anything about it.



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Monday, August 14, 2017

Poked with a Needle & Sidestepping the Obvious


So...At about four in the afternoon, I am standing at a street corner minding my own business, looking across the street for the signal to walk. I hear a voice from my left and a hispanic guy says something unintelligible, "...ey, Pappy?".  I look over and down to my left where he has crouched down to reach into his duffel bag for something when I hear small KLINK sound come from the lightpost that I am standing under. I didn't see the hypodermic needle tossed into the air, I just heard it when it hit the lightpost and poked me in the arm on it's descent to the ground.

"Ahhh!!" I yelped. I just got poked in the arm. I looked down at the thing and sure enough, it was a used needle. Something a diabetic or drug addict would use. The hispanic fellow says they use it around here to shoot heroin into their nose, and then he leans back pantomiming the act.

Not good. I am on my way to work and can't stop. I can't even be sure who threw it but I think it was the hispanic fellow but I DIDN'T SEE HIM THROW IT. And then of course the predictable horrors come to mind: Will I get AIDS? Hep-C? Herpes or something else? I once met a fellow in Phoenix who was about 22 years old who had part of his arm missing because he got gangrene from a piece of metal or something and he had to have part of his arm removed, without warning.

Well, long story short, I don't have AIDS or anything else from the needle poke. It takes two full weeks from an infection to a manifestation when it comes to HIV or Hep-C. I finally received the report from my Doctor and I have contracted nothing.

Over the last twelve years or so in homelessness for this project (Operation Birddog), I have...been poked with a needle, had a gun pulled on me after I went to an ATM in Phoenix, been jumped in Orlando for my wallet, had a box cutting knife pulled on me here in Skid Row and chased in circles around an automobile (not fun), I have been sucker puched for no reason  while waiting for the bus in Phoenix, had a girl put a sliver of metal (the shape of a fingernail but longer) in my sandwich at a Boston Market, had drugs put in my coffee, and if I begin to count assault charges by the police for this project, which I cannot do because it is literally several thousand assaults, it's really unbelieveable.

If you are wondering why there are so many assault charges on me, it's not because of my background, it's attempted manslaughter by some very powerful people--most likely Hollywood and the police who are working together on Operation Birddog. I'm just the birddog who gets thousands of instructions, ads, miles to walk, etc.

I am most likly supposed to be in the Federal Witness Protection Project taking the stand against them.

None of the aforementioned people in the preceding paragraph had ever seen me before and I didn't know them either. They were following someone else's instructions to attack me. I was recently attacked via Skynet and given welts on my back and abdomen area. I posted pictures on my Facebook page and Twitter. It was another instruction to "move".


Which brings me to my next point. I was meditating on what it means to be an officer, a fiduciary and so on. You see, when you meet a police officer, an FBI agent, the President of the United States, a Hollywood celebrity, you know what to expect: a friendly, professional, cordial person.
But some people change radically when they can become anonymous.

With the Skynet (sometimes referred to as "Symbolic Systems") and the things it can do like telepathy, putting tactile sensations on a person's body, creating holograms, importing imagery onto the back of your eyelids, importing imagery into your imagination, simultaneous communication to multiple people, mind reading, forcing your eyes onto whatever the police want you to look at (you might not see it coming, but they could force your eyes onto a girl's boobs against your will), making muscles in the body clench or shiver--that could be a pectoral muscle or one of your cheek muscles and so on.

It occurs to me that there is a serious discrepancy here among some officers and celebrities that are heinous. They are literally sex offenders, guilty of assaults on the elderly (my Father in the hospital), witness tampering ( supposedly over Skynet. Everyone knows to give the same story but they have never spoken to each other face to face), criminal conspiracy, theft and so on.

"Criminal" was the obvious thing NOT to become. This was the obvious thing to sidestep but these people seemed to have walked and fallen into it head first. With Internal Affairs, a U.S. Attorney General, a State Attorney General, an FBI, an Inspector General, a CIA, a supervisor, an ACLU, a County Attorney, co-workers, even Skynet should be the ultimate deterrent for crime since your previous thoughts and actions can be found on it.

Instead, Skynet offers psychological and technological loopholes to accomplish crime. No witnesses. No proof. No evidence for a courtroom.

This is where the United States has failed miserably, selling the country (and police services) via politics to whoever has the money or Hollywood, or it's own agents, or an organization to sate (i.e. white supremacists, or democrats, etc.).

What should have been done is just the opposite: a country with a reputation for fairness, discipline, priveledges for those who qualify, as well as the end of all discrepancies and so on. Instead,  a reputation for health and cleanliness are going to places like Sweden and Denmark and other places that don't have our con artists and salesmen in their government.



A Judeo-Christian being disciplined by the police should still be a Judeo-Christian when released. He is not to be (nor should he be) "broken". i.e. a pedophile, a homosexual (unless he's homosexual, lol), a deviant of some kind or a psychopath. He should not be neurotic or confused but wiser and ready to resume his path. Officers are assistant STEWARDS over sentient and sovregn property "owned" by itself.


The photo above is from a recent attack on me via Symbolic Systems. People must think to themselves, I don't see anyone detaining this guy--but this is how the police incarcerate without trials, charges, or constiutional rights.

Everytime I post that I am unlawfully detained, Hollywood (who works for the Fraternal Order of Police, which includes all of our various agencies, I assume) responds with pictograms and messages in their media insinuating that I am incarcerated...

Me: I am being assaulted!!! Please help this is my twelph year detained in homelessness!
Hollywood: You're in jail!!!
Me: Then you have contempt of court charges!! Witness tampering!! Conspiracy!! Illegal Detention!!
Hollywood: Nope. It's a project. You're not in jail.

They continue spending tens of thousands of hours per year writing and performing various ads for me at a cost of several million dollars per year but I can't get the police to stop acting as though I'm incarcerated. I'm not supposed to be. Everyone who had a gripe with me in the past is satisfied by now to the best of my knowledge and was a long time ago. But the police keep publishing through Hollywood and (I assume) the money keeps changing hands.

I remain in homelessness. 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

I'm A Gamer Now, Bee-yotch!!

I'm a gamer now, Bee-Yotch.

I had to take a break from the "PSYCHOLOGY OF ACHIEVEMENT" which I didn't conciously realize I was in: Following blogs, taking online classes, yoga, blogging, brain training, checking social media, going to work, learning Spanish, meditating, muy-thai, reading fifty books a year, intermittant fasting, working out at the gym, listening to podcasts, polyphasic sleeping, taking to many supplements...

I used to play First Person Shooter games on my Playstation years ago, but I am just now discovering the world of online competitve gaming. I discovered it by accident on my laptop. It comes with an XBOX inside! Woo-hoo Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft! (My old laptop didn't have that. That's what happens when you are forced into homelessness for twelve years so someone else (Hollywood, etc.) can brag about it.)

Anyway, after getting bamboozled for the umpteenth time by "Skynet", (it's psychic phenomena, tactile sensations, holograms, involuntary thoughts (dialouge and imagery) I sort of disengaged from the habitual world that I am "in" and gaming has been great since it requires all of your concentration, hand-eye coordination, practice and teamwork with other online players.

I also stopped checking my social media accounts regularly which also helped me to break the (psychological) spell that I am habitually in. I am now getting back into it as well as my habitual studies (with some changes).

That is about all that is new these days. I now work at a restaurant instead of the McDonald's. (The McDonald's job was the first one I have had in eleven years of homelessness, save one brief stint as a dishwasher.)

 I still don't know what my exit date from Operation Birddog is. All of our media companies (newspaper, news, music, entertainment, magazines and internet) still continue to publish for me on a daily basis. I have sifted through thousands of pictograms, metaphors, etc over the years.

 I may be moving into an "SRO": A Single Room Occupancy. This is great news since it gets me out of the shelter system. The bad news is that it's just a room with a cot and one lamp on a table. No fridge or stove or walk-in closets or bathroom. Smaller than one of Kim Kardashian's walk-in closets for her shoes.




One of the obvious things I failed to realize about the benefits of Skynet to the perpetrators: It allows them to hear the thoughts and feelings of their victims. It would also imply that some who are guilty of hate crimes on others were aware that their victims had no malicious intentions and posed no threats to them but were assaulted anyway (i.e. racisim). Skynet allows the agitators to hear what their victims have to say about their injuries and losses. Sweet!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Existential Overwhelm

Existential Overwhelm

Well, I haven't posted in a while. I am still in the Skid Row area of Los Angeles. I am still trapped in this project with the government and Hollywood.

The Why's & How's keep me awake: How much longer am I supposed to be here? Why are we doing this? Why aren't people complaining?

I think the system of checks and balances (Internal Affairs, DOJ, Office Inspector Genereal, ACLU, "Independent" Journalism) can all be disabled by the government if they declare a project "classified" or government business. If you work at the DOJ and they tell you not to prosecute FBI agents for an illegal incarceration, witness tampering, contempt of court, attempted manslaughter, misuse of influence (infomercials with celebrities in metaphor about the incident with "Amber") and so on, then I guess you have to do what they order you to do in the military, but that really disables the entire system and allows criminal activity.

I won't go into detail here, but the attempted manslaughter charges were years ago when I was homeless in the San Francisco-Berkely-Oakland area. Most likely the motive was to eliminate me as a witness (before I realized what the hell was going on) or prosecutor against any friends or family members, police and actors/writers/producers in Hollywood.

If those aforementioned people go to jail for something they themselves have done, then so be it. But they didn't have anything to worry about after all: the DOJ, ACLU, Internal Affairs, Attorney General, and others have all turned my case down. I believe they were ordered to.


If you don't have a disposition to criminality or schaedenfreude then this situation makes NO SENSE AT ALL. Consider: Economically, the USA is spending millions of hours and billions of dollars making these commercials, pictures and articles. Honestly, it isn't necessary but can be fun. Sociologically: Bad examples on our buses, streets, etc. Lots of pantomimes of vulgar behavior, etc. Silence at social/legal injustices. Law: Absolutely illegal. No need to go around a courtroom. All parties are present. Aggravated assaults, poisoning, harassment, illegal incarceration, felony conspiracy by the police and Hollywood are all going undocumented and unpunished. So why do it?! 1. Schaedenfreude & Personal Proclivities. A lot of people get a kick out of being cruel, assaulting their competition, embarrassing others. 2. Publishing & Money. It's probably a safe bet a lot of money or some kind of currency is being brokered out to those who use their publishing platforms for this project. This is all done in metaphor. 3. Legend. Some people want to be famous and make themselves the "vigilantes" that you see on tv & movies constantly.


It's a hypnosis that says, I can't acknowledge you; I can't help you.


I recently watched "The Perfect Physique" on Netflix. I was struck by how these men's lives revolve around their bodies. I mean, EVERYTHING they do is in the service of bodybuilding: timing their meals, their custom made clothes for their size, their supplements, even sleep is to recover from the last workout so they can get up in the morning and do it again.


FINALLY, I found some tangible proof of technology that the police won't admit to having: it's the ability to see through walls. Eventually, I will find what I need to prove that they have the ability to read minds and record them, including memories, all five of your senses, your body's health, etc. This stuff can be used to make you feel like your losing your mind as well as force you to listen to other's speaking to you against your will:

Wi-Fi Allows You to See Through Walls


I guess that's about all for now.
