Wednesday, November 9, 2016

I Don't Believe Trump Won

I don't believe Trump won the Presidency. I don't believe your vote matters. I don't believe the statistics on TV.

I believe the reporting is "gamified" to keep people watching. Obviously.

I think Trump stopped himself. His background (compulsive liar, misogynist, racist, possible tax evasion, possible treasonous relationships with Russia) and knowledge of our constitution as well as international politics is atrocious.

Hillary Clinton is just the opposite. It never was a contest. Educated Americans are not supposed to be celebrating his win unless you stand to gain something personally.

I think condemnations by the last five living Presidents as well as several newspapers and magazines that are historically neutral stopped him as well.

I believe Trump was given the Presidency to satiate demographics in America (and Russia?) that want a Republican (read: white) President after looking at O'Bama for the last eight years.

All Presidents are actors who read scripts into the camera.

I don't think your vote matters.

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