Monday, October 29, 2012

Smear Campaign


When encountering a man with mental health problems, the police should: 

A. Ignore him.

B. Put him on drugs.

C. Put him on drugs and then ignore him.

D. Assault/ Embarrass/ Harass him.

E. Look for something in his background, circumvent the courts and wrongfully detain/ incarcerate him.

F. Produce over 100,000 infomercials over the course of ten years for him at a cost of more than one billion dollars that he can't act on because he's being detained          

G. Injure him and leave him dependent on friends, family, St. Vincent de Paul, Medi-Care, and ultimately on Social Security Disability (Hint: Social Security is bankrupt.)

H. All of the above. 

I.  None of the above.

Hey, it's YOUR federal tax dollars at work. If you know the correct answer to the above question, shouldn't the government???

"My name is Titus Anderson, and I approve this message."

Saturday, October 20, 2012

For the Record

For the record, I am not a voluntary participant in any "game". Although I have made several thousand moves against my will trying to win over Hollywood, at some point, one has to stop.

For the last seven years, I have been manipulated into a state of homelessness by the "authorities". It took me a long time to catch on to what was going on because it's always "off the grid". At this point however, I think we can safely agree that the paraliminal is now liminal.

On my second of four visits with the FBI (around 2008, I think) I asked for a classified conversation. It was denied. The reason for this request is because I noticed myself being portrayed in a number of places and publications, and in Hollywood.

"What am I supposed to do about this?" I asked. There were instructions there.

I told the duty agent, verbatim, " I cannot accomplish what I have been tasked with."

This was due to symptoms of IBS from time to time. The duty agent then told me I would need a "civil litigant" if I wanted to pursue anyone for portraying me or jeapordizing my safety. These were not criminal charges (false) and not something the FBI would handle. Bye.

It would take me a long time to put two and two together and go back to the FBI for a fourth visit (see Visit Four of Four in the bloglist) several years later. I finally had reason to suspect, but could not conclusively prove, that if not the FBI , then some agency was assaulting me and manipulating me into a state of homelessness while literally tens of thousands of infomercials were being produced and distributed all over the United States, at what must be a cost in the tens (if not hundreds) of millions of dollars.

Now if you were me you would have a problem with this: 1. I had already written and started shopping my own autobiography and did not want anyone else augmenting or manipulating me so they could stake a claim on it. 2. I don't have anything in my background that warrants being incarcerated in a work furlough for seven years much less where you are constantly assaulted, harrassed, slandered, embarrassed or made to walk around excessively (EXCESSIVELY, I have walked several hundred miles beyond the ten thousand or so necessary for my work due to harrassment). 3. A seven year incarceration is serious business and the government has completely skipped due process to guarantee a conviction and possibly, I suspect, to authenticate a story (motive). With the other hand tens of thousands of informercials are distributed. That means tv, cable, motion picture, news, commercials, ads, newspapers, magazines, books and music.

I only breach the subject here because it is so obvious that this has become common knowledge.

In the meantime, my life has literally been endangered, sometimes flagrantly so by various pieces. In the meantime I am constantly bothered, harrassed, and my hips and knees are wearing out. That is not a good deal for anyone. It's dishonest.

For the record, there are criminal complaints on file with: Department of Homeland Security, Phoenix FBI, and Phoenix Professional Standards.

Thank you.