Friday, June 21, 2019

Kickstart My Heart

Kickstart My Heart

Are you guys going to hate me?

I have to make another super quick post which I don't like doing because I like to put some thought into things and simmer on them a bit before posting. I want you to have fun reading but ultimately you must find some thing(s) useful otherwise I'm just entertaining, which is not really what I do here.

Quickly, I have to address rumors going around about amphetamine use and myself. I have made it clear before that I advocate the responsible use of amphetamines or others substances for those who can, and for those who can do so responsibly.

Did I just tell a bunch of college kids to go get high? No.

Without getting into a tiresome and predictable rant about "how we all have used drugs since the beginning of time--y'know Adam & Eve chewed peyote, don't you? And don't we all drink coffee for the caffeine--isn't that kinda the same ting?" I want to tell you that I have used amphetamines and other substances for some 27 years.

Over the years, especially when I was in my 20's my friends and I partied quite a bit. We were byproducts of the 90's--and that was when the amount of cocaine and crystal and ecstacy hit an all time high. It's also a time period of a lot of overdoses and lamentations in music and the culture at the time.

I have been around wealth and affluence off and on my whole life. My last year in sales, I made over $100k working about four days a week. I have partied with topless dancers, millionaires, in VIP rooms, million dollar mansions but also with the grungy--having wiped out myself a few times over the years.

Why am I bringing this up now? Well, because the police, by way of third parties, are apparently trying to justify following me around and bother others about me.

This to me, is ANOTHER pathetic maneuver by a police department who is trying to justify themselves to a public about why they are harassing a person (me) to move constantly. The truth of the matter is that Operation Birddog REQUIRES me to move constantly. There are posts on my Facebook account where I lamented about having been moved or frightened to run about 18 times in 12 months--drugs had nothing to do about it.

There's another problem--cyber. I didn't know until recently that feelings of ecstasy and or heroin can be added to a person's experience without touching them. I didn't know that could be done. I've been getting harassed for YEARS without knowing that the sensations were coming from the government--not the coke or meth.

There is another problem with the cops--they know who I am very, very well. How do you write about someone daily for sixteen years in every magazine, movie, tv show, rock album, PC game, billboard, commercial, Superbowl Halftime Show without having ever met them? You eavesdrop using cyber. They know my stance on responsible drug use--it's the same one the government has--they prescribe them daily for any number of purposes.

There is yet another problem with the cops--they can make your body shake, horny, or fall face forward onto the sidewalk by making the ecstasy SO STRONG. I don't get the sensations UNLESS I take the amphetamine. In other words there's an incentive to take them, not to avoid them. Strange, if your a cop, to structure things that way, no?

There is yet another problem with the cops--discretion. They aren't keeping their mouths shut about other's personal business but instead are getting personally interested in other's happiness--literally policing a person's emotional state and experiences, reserving the best for themselves and those they want or like. They are also gossiping and doing so maliciously to disrupt or destroy other's lives.

You don't give a person's personal data to others. You don't betray your oaths to your fellow countrymen as a fiduciary. You don't leave a person's laptop or smartphone open to snoops to take whatever they like, because you were afraid he was going to be well liked and/or wealthy if you didn't stop him.

If you knew my personal experience with the cops and Hollywood, you would fall out of your chair. Briefly, When Op Birddog first started some fifteen years ago, about 2 years into it after I had stopped running for my life all over the U.S. (it's a long story) I realized that the government was talking to me through the newspapers, magazines, tv, etc. I didn't agree with the instructions they were giving me but thought it was dishonest. SO I went to the FBI's offices in Phoenix, not once but TWICE asking for a classified conversation to talk to an agent to make sure that I wasn't about to give something away that might be proprietary to the USA or Hollywood. I wanted to be responsible and the FBI said I was cleared to go public with it if I wanted to.

Second, Around this time period, when I was naiive, I still doted on "our" celebrities a little bit, even though I don't watch a lot of TV but I do like a good movie one to two times per week if it's worth it. Until the age of 35 when Op Birddog started, I had only looked at a Gossip Mag (People, US Weekly, etc.) exactly two times. I don't read them. I never have. But I did read GQ and Esquire and Detour. Anyway, the point is I WENT THROUGH HUNDREDS OF MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS THAT I BOUGHT WITH MY OWN MONEY PANHANDLING. I ALSO RENTED HUNDREDS OF MOVIES DURING THIS TIME PERIOD TRYING TO LEARN WHAT THE MESSSAGES WERE. I ALSO FOLLOWED TENS OF THOUSANDS OF NONVERBAL INSTRUCTIONS VIA CYBER (HOLLOGRAMS, INNUENDO, THIRD PARTY CONVERSATIONS, ETC.) You have no idea what it's like to do this. It literally took people on Twitter and Facebook at the time, some 13 years ago, to SCREAM at me to STOP following their instructions--THEY ARE NOT WHO YOU THINK THEY ARE. It took me a long time to see them the way I do now. I was really naiive, once. Not anymore.

How do the police and Hollywood treat me? They constantly disrespect me. I've never met them. I've gone the extra mile thousands of times for them--on foot, with my time, with my money, etc. and what do I hear they are doing? Planning a smear campaign??? They've been planning to make a disaster on purpose--an OJ Simpson scaled extravaganza--to make more money with. They made fun of my parents passing and imply they've had something to do with it. There have been attempts on my life as well. They are ALWAYS trying to get me into a fight.

I won't fight, but I will kill.

IF you are a criminologist, it's always the first two principal considerations, at least in principal:
1. Are you a danger to others?
2. Are you a danger to yourself or to your responsibilities?

This is already the de facto consideration for responsible adults--it's why trays of cocaine are passed around at house parties where the host is a multimillionaire. This isn't news to you. You already know this can happen depending on the person. It's always been this way. Prescription medications work the same way. But that doesn't mean that everyone will get what they want and their are ALWAYS risks no matter what you do. I am not telling you to do anything. I posted this to warn the public of the "Hearts and Minds Campaign" being run by law enforcement or Hollywood via the blacks on Skid Row. It's a scam.

Some people don't do anything at all. Some people do occasionally but don't "jones" for it or develop addictions. Some people do and get themselves into all sorts of trouble. Personally, I don't do anything very often but you wouldn't know it if I did. I'm pretty discreet. It's the cops who've made trouble and they've done so on purpose. It's one of the principals of  Disaster Capitalism. It's why they and Hollywood have accumulated some 30,000 photos and videos of me over the years via third parties, supposedly, so they can sell the **** out of this scam later on. 

No, thank you.

Sovrumano is for the physician's class of society, the honorable ones. Not the childish, sophomoric, or criminal. With us you will find pride, ingenuity, and industriousness, and grace and gratitude for our wellbeing and for that of others.

Now then, let's party...!