Sunday, March 24, 2019

Nietzsche and the Hunt for "The Master Therion"

"The Master Therion" hunted by Nietzsche & Friends

     "No. NO. NO. You are my worst nightmare!"
     "What is it?"
     "I just got a phone call to find Crowley." said Nietzsche.
     "What's the problem?" his wife asked
     "I hate this guy. I had no idea he might be behind the behavior of politicians and police and television and so on."
     "But you knew he was behind rock music?"
     "Yes. He's behind some rock music and a lot of metal. But I didn't think he was a real "philosopher" for the year 2019. Turns out, he or someone like him, might be making white supremacists behave in demonic ways at other people--very cruel and unusual ways."
     "Like what?"she asked.
      Nietzsche got up and started pacing the bedroom. "Unconscionable things." he said. Like sodomy, torture, disfigurement, retardation, slavery...
     "Oh no." his wife gasped. "Why would he do that?"
     "Knowing's probably a belief in "energy" or witchcraft of some kind. He would have been easy to dupe. He was born in the late 1800's. People were easily deceived back then. He might convince others that being evil gives you energy or some kind of power."
     "And today" she said. "It wasn't so long ago that people drove around with bumper stickers that read, My Other Car is a Broomstick and Born Again Pagan."
     "Right. That was before the internet, so around 1995-ish it started to die. Everything up to that point in time was adulterated with paganism, magick, mysticism of Christ, Buddha, Occult and so on."
     "Didn't you experiment with some of that stuff? You told me once that you went on a religious exploration of some kind, trying different things on."
     "Like almost all young people, I did go looking around to see what was there. It's very common. Even the Beatles befreinded Crowley, went to India, learned from Buddhists and so on. I'm familiar with some occult ideas. I know it's not necessary. It like everything from this point working backwards has a higher likelyhood of being filled with mistakes or errors. You can keep the "Love is the law. Love under Will" by Crowley--it's useless. But there is a lot of crap in his books. I wasn't expecting this at all....."


     Nietzsche assembled a group of powerful soldiers--the stuff of legend in their respective categories. They would travel by land and sea and have to pass through many gauntlets, island by island, sleuthing and conning, disposing of, buying off, trading for, recruiting (rarely), hacking, decrypting, and running--lots of running.

     Along the way, they would encounter many strange creatures. Some looked like neoclassical warriors from Egypt.

     Finally, this elite class of game hunters, from all over the world, both male and female, knew where Crowley--the Great Beast 666, lay. They put explosives against a bedroom wall, signaled, ran away squealing like kids, and then...BOOM. A mouth now where there was the exterior wall to a castle. A castle no doubt, styled by Crowley himself for his own indulgences.

Nietzsche then walked through the whole in the wall and Crowley's mind, dressed as a modern day warrior-philosopher-king himself.

     "Good God!! Who the hell are you?"asked Crowley.
     "Your kidding me."
     "What do you want?" Crowley asked, putting down a pipe filled with hashish and cocaine.
     "I want you to stop your influence on the 21st Century. You have to instruct your believers that you were wrong. You have to make them destroy your books and anyone who follows you."
     Crowley burst into laughter. "Of course not."
     "Go on" he said, reaching for his pipe. "What kind of mistakes?"
     "There is wanton consumerism and wanton waste of energy--most notable and dangerously--oil. Burning it is killing the planet, warming it. There are uncalled for attacks by the "master race" on others so they know who the--"
     "Good" said Crowley. "They need to know who the boss is. Our evil is our power. My power. My swatztika." Crowley lifetd his dress and showed Nietzsche his birthmark.
     Ick. Did look a little like a swatztika but not enough to make me follow a guy around.
     "CROWLEY" said Nietzsche "KNOCK IT OFF--you were born on October 12, 1875. Hitler designed the Nazi flag around 1920. Your legend says the nurses "scattered the afterbirth" BECAUSE you had a birthmark that RESEMBLED a swatztika. That doesn't make any sense. It wouldn't be a sign of nazi power yet. It also implies a belief in metaphysics and witchcraft--which is terrible in the year 2019. It's another one of your tricks."
     "The Great White Brotherhood must endure at any cost. We will win. And we will lie, cheat, steal, destroy, enslave, rape and anything else to win."
     "That's the problem Aleister. You were born at a time when Germany had just achieved global domination in warfare. They were the only ones with ships. Guns. Infrastructure and so on. It was a forgone conclusion at the time. It wasn't before that time and it's not now."
     Crowley's eyebrows raised. "Oh."he said. "Who challenges us? The Africans? The Chinese? I don't believe you."
     "It's a subset of each "race" as you call them, not the whole group. Your mistake was weaponizing ALL members of a group, the winners and the losers. The losers are a HUGE problem. They are bossing and abusing other men and women around. Men who are their superiors intellectually. America was supposed to be a democracy for all men. There are reports of Russian officers in America dressed as American police. That the country is under attack. Water is being stolen. Land is being stolen. Water supplies could be poisoned. It could be attacked. The Sixth Mass extinction of animals is here. Fish stocks are overfished--"
     "Are they fighting?" Crowley asked.
     "They aren't?"
      "No. It's weird. They should be, I think. There's even hate speech codified in fashion magazines and--"
     "Of course there is. The lower races were born for us, to serve us."
     "There are no lower races. Everyone's IQ is just fine. From Korea to Africa. University professors are Jewish, African, Korean..."
     "A threat!"
     "Wrong! You piece of shit. You're a cheater, Crowley! Among all of the races around the world, you're the only one determined to get over on everyone else. Russia is full of white supremacists. It's also full of liars and cheaters. These liars and cheaters are brainwashed. They occlude information that they don't like. All races are related to each other. We are not a different species from each other."
     "No Jews. No semites."
     "Your an antisemite? It's a language not a race. You can group people even among the same race into subgroups. Not everyone inherits the same traits.Those are variables. Two or three superficial ones, like skin color, hair, and diction, is enough to create hate--even though everything else is the same. It's also enough to seperate whites from whites but they don't do it. They allow inferior whites privleges and authority over nonwhites who are better than they are. Crowley, we are talking about hedonism here--there are actors in Hollywood with the authority of a federal court--literally making life and death decisions without any education for it."

     Crowley and Nietzsche were then interrupted from  a moaning sound coming from another room. Nietzsche walked over to the doorway, and starting to sweep back a string of beads that lined the doorway, and found himself face to face with Crowley instead.
     "What's going on in there?" Nietzsche asked.
     "Orgy." said Crowley. "Why? You interested?"
     "No. Not with you around. I don't want to get goosed in the--"
     Crowley let out a roar of a laugh. Crowley was a bisexual.
     Crowley, you've caused a lot of problems. Anton LaVey started the Church of Satan. L Ron Hubbard started Scientology. Other disciples of yours have created cults, like you did, to gain power and mind control over others. Your "Thelemites" are now cops, government officials, there's even a group of skinheads called the Golden Dawn. They say that they are "winning". But they don't allow themselves to see the equality among all of us. They want a race war. They want those who survive it to end up their slaves. People who aren't useful as intellectuals could find themselves starving or as gimps. My father--"
     Crowley held up a hand. It's happening then. "What's your role here? You work for the Jews? America?"
     "No. I had an Enlightenment."
     Crowley sat back down and looking carefully at Nietzsche over his glasses, struck a match to relight his pipe. "Go on." he said.
     "It's too long a story to retell here. The gist of it is, a whole hell of a lot in my background that seemed benign or incidental took on a new dimension of importance and relevance one day. It stopped being benign. It's potentiated."
     "Like what?"
     Nietzsche related everything--religious background, partying background, fascination with IQ, interest in cults and brainwashing, NLP, advertising, sociology, math, languages, races...Nietzsche then wrapped it up with a "trivial" 6660 count on the meter on his Twitter account one day that appeared when he first learned of Crowley's possible influence on hate crimes that are happening around the country. People can't make intelligent decisions without the information on American news. He also related that he had ripped Crowley's "93/93" sign of love in half--for a sign of evil, beastmode, a prefix when necessary, against enemies or competitors.
     "And last but not least" said Nietzsche "I am here to announce the beginning of a New Epoch. The One who is qualified to announce such a thing. The One with the instructions for the masses of mankind. The One who is removing the cataracts from the eyes of all races and nations. The prior things are--"
     "Finished. Of course. I am amazed that you are Black and part Mexican. You are not what I expected."
     "It's an IQ test."
     "Very funny. I got top grades at Cambridge. You're not one of mine? A Thelemite?"
     "NO. But your Eye of Horus is still on the One Dollar Bill. Which really means Aeon of Horus--YOUR TERMINOLOGY."
     Crowley chuckled.
     "It's not funny, Aleister. There are videos of skinheads drowning white girls in bathtubs while they wear bikinis. After they pass out from a lack of oxygen, the skinheads they hug them and pantomime a vampire bite on their neck. Vampirism is not a fad anymore that started with Anne Rice. I thought it was. But I don't think it's going anywhere. DID YOU STYLE WHITE SUPREMACISTS AND SKINHEADS AFTER THE SERPENT IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN? It sounds like YOU, Crowley! It's not funny at all. You really have to grow up. You're not supposed to have this kind of influence on the year 2019. I knew something was wrong. No way American students, born in Anytown USA turn out like an 18th Centruy Nut or 9th Century Roman Caesar. They're being mentored by someone somewhere. Impossible to turn out like that as a byproduct of our contemporary society and technology. Psychos stick out like a sore thumb. They're easy to isolate. But YOUR "supremacists" who cheat regularly, like you would--a trickster, self styled after Satan--are camoflouging themselves together with whites who have integrity. Who know Supremacy is religion. It's nothing to fight over. It's a part of the past that will kill everything. The only reason it hasn't been dropped by now is because they are outrunning their problems. They don't use abstract reasoning to guide behavior--"
     "No." Crowley chuckled. "We are 'King Animal'. That is our power among the other races. They are not prepared to fight like we were. You have to pursue things with a single minded focus--only then will you be unstoppable."
     "I know that, Yoda. I know some Game Theory. I know your philosophies have failed. Your "Will to Power" is Jungian, not idiosycratic. Others don't have to be dominated for you to be safe or to have power. People don't need to be owned. That's a part of the last century. Slavery has been formally outlawed. It appears to be coming back now due to advances in technology. It's weaponizing white men who are very sick, Aleister."
     "YOU see sickness, Nietzsche. I see power. WHITE POWER! We are mankind's master. We Will this to be and so it shall. The others will have to bow one knee one day before us and acknowledge us as their master. It is required."
     "Actually, Aleister, the white race didn't start making advances until they started 'race mixing' with other cultures. Traveling the world, learning science from different cultures, engaging in trade. Europe has been 100% white since the beginning of time. It still isn't number one and your hooligans cheat constantly. They don't compete. Your hooligans want to engage the world in war, bring them under their umbrella and make sure their planes can touch down anywhere in the world and feel safe but not vice versa. You have to tell me your secrets but not vice versa. You have to share your toys with me but not vice versa. You have to share your wife and teenage daughter with my cops, but not vice versa, you have to--"
     Crowley suddenly looked up startled.
     "That's right, Aleister. Cops and other white men are indulging themselves like the Nephillim before the Flood. The great Flood before Noah's Ark." (Nephillim means "fallen angel" and "giant")
     Crowley rose to his feet, with a great smile, and begun to make grand gestures. He then began to address someone Nietzsche couldn't see.
     "What the fuck are you doing?"
      What the hell? Suddenly, a small radio on Nietzsche's shoulder cracked to life. "It's Enochian." said one of the soldiers who was among the party that crashed Crowley's home. She, along with another, was watching everything unfold. They had their guns trained on Crowley the whole time.
     Nietzsche then threw a right hook into Crowley's face. Knocking him out of his trance.   Simultaneously, two angels appeared at his right and left sides, with their arms folded across their chests.
     "Do that again and I'll kill you." said Crowley.
     "You're disgusting. You know that?! Here I am telling you about rapists and sex offenders and foreign military who have infiltrated law enforcement in America and are bullying civilians around with their police equipment, and you start celebrating??? This is success for you? Satan's idea of success? The Trickster who joined the pro-German movement but was a spy for Britain thinks that this is tradecraft?"
     Crowley leapt into the air and clicked his heels together like he was Fred Astaire, dancing in the rain.
     "Of course you don't agree" said Crowley walking around the room and the tables and chairs in it. "YOU who are in rapport with Abraham, Joseph, Jesus, Buddha--"
     "There might be more than that."
     "You who've had your share of magick happen..."
     "Enough to dupe someone like you, Aleister"
     "You who claim no belief in the supernatural. Yet you've shown me your first seminar and your "Orders of Effect", how Paradise Lost leads to rock music, which leads to poisoning the constitution of a country, which leads to poor stock to choose from...You who claim no psychic abilities--"
     "Am not a psychic. Not into the occult. Odd things happen once in a while, that's all."
     Who was your father?"
     "He was a lifelong Jehovah's Witness. He had one moveable arm and leg. He did the best he could at all times with honesty--"
     "That's a problem. It's what you don't see--"
     "He may have been tortured, Aleister, by one of YOUR supremacists in Hollywood. That's the rumor. We can't get a read on where this is coming from. There isn't anything wrong with him! You want us to live like animals who dominate each other! They laughed and smiled sarcastically around him as he passed away. That's no way for a community of people to get along. It's demonic!"
     "Well", said Aleister, you were not what I was expecting--not at all. Didn't think it was possible. I counted all of twelve magicians at one point who were Adepts."
      Someone from the whole in the wall behind me couldn't contain her laughter.
      "You are a magician" said Crowley. "You said it yourself. You went exploring. You even went through some of my books. You were one of mine."
      "You're a fucking idiot you know that? Exploring doesn't make me one of yours. YOU want me to be one of yours--so you can win! You could win new followers, couldn't you! More people to act like cartoons on TV?! A grown man who acts like the Joker from TV? That's not normal, Aleister. You are brainwashing people to this very day using Skynet!!"
     Crowley suddenly looked tired. Crowley began to stumble just slightly.
     The two Enochian angels grabbed Crowley and sat him down at this desk so he wouldn't fall. He was high from the hashish and cocaine.
     "Aboo yukah reh toowah yu yukah" said an Egyptian officer of Nietzsche's who entered the room.
     The two angles then disappeared.
     Nietzsche then drew a pistol and pointed at Crowley's head. "Call it off, Aleister."
     No way said the Beast 666. Things were unfolding as planned. His plans. Britain's plan to ultimately take down this American tribe, this "Nation of Slaves", who had dared to Will themselves to autonomy without their permission, was about to fall. Totalitarian states would be reestablished. Slavery would be back. Colonialism and hedonism and "Do What Thou Wilt" would be accorded to all white men at the expense of all other men. Whites would be free forever. Nonwhites would never be free if such a possibility should ever arise technologically. The Final Solution couldn't be much further away. Stay the course. Live forever. Under Thelema. Under the Trickster. Forever.
     "A Purge is Coming" said Nietzsche.
     Crowley's eyes rolled back down. "What?"
     "I said, A Purge is Coming."
     From the whole in the wall where Nietzsche's snipers lay, someone said "CALL IT OFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT. OR I'M GONNA TURN YOU UPSIDE DOWN AND SKULL--"
     "Shut-up!" said Nietzsche. "You know better than that. Don't invoke the unexpected like that! Ever!!"
     "Yes sir." she said.
     Nietzsche stared at this intoxicated heathen. Disbelieving someone could be so influential in his world. The Eye of Horus--the Aeon of Horus was over--Nietzsche knew that. Crowley wasn't entirely wrong. Will to Power and mensa is one of the few things Nietzsche believed in. And like all founders of fraternity, the great ones of legend, he despised the willfully unclean and the hypocrites. The "vulgar races" aren't welcome anywhere. Nobody wants them. He thought about his Commission to announce the New World Order. But it wasn't Crowley's. Prophets and poets were something of narrorators at a ball game. They only tell you what you already can see yourself. They can also distort what you see or occlude information. Denial of counter evidence is key to maintaining hypnosis, maintaining a cult that is a deviation or two away from Correct.

Part 3

     Nietzsche continued staring and thinking. A subset of each group is superior. A subset is inferior.
     "Time to wrap this up, Uncle Al."
     Crowley, who looked about 200 years old, was silent, with his eyes rolling around in his head. His mouth was open. Somnambulistic.
     "You know something...there is a tragic mistake with "Do What Thou Wilt shall be the Whole of the Law". You never distinguished a hedonist from a Nietzschean. They aren't the same. A man by default is a hedonist. You have to be formally educated. Free Will is not to be accorded to the vulgar."
     The back of Crowley's head still lie on the back of his chair. Eyes bloodshot red.
     "You would say that, TITUS." Crowley's voice was slurring. And how did he know my name?
     "TITUS-NIETZSCHE, whatever. My white men can do whatever they want to. It's the Will of the Ordo Templi Orientis."
     "Interesting then, that with "free will" granted by your cult's authority, they are willfully choosing to be evil to other men and women. I myself have been wrongly incarcerated, sexually assaulted, stolen from, slandered, misled by thousands of instructions, had my life jeapordized and so on by either cops or actors with net worths in the tens of millions of dollars. Niether group should be stealing but they both seem to have members that do and a lot worse."
     "You were incarcerated as an example of what we can do anytime we like to. We will crucify you. Make a spectacle out of you. We will torture you. It gives us magick. We will--"
     "...nail him to a cross?" asked one of the officers.
     "Game over." shouted Nietzsche. Lets blow this place.
     Immediately, soldiers went into scramble mode untying boxes, unzipping cases, dropping wires. Crowley's place smelled like sandalwood incense. There was even shag carpet and lava lamps. There were sculptures and religious paraphernalia from all over the world--Buddhist, Christian, Pagan--you name it, he had it.
     "Any last words, Crowley?"
     Yes, he said. And as he started speaking, an officer noticed one of his hands come out from under his robes and start reaching--no searching, for something.
     With lightning speed, she raced around behind him and snatched a pistol from him that looked like something from Star Wars.

     "Smooth, Crowley. You know something? We've got major problems back on Earth because of you and the Age of Aquarius. We have major populations in the army--the USA army even, with swatztikas, confederate flags, and so on. We have skinheads who are members of the Golden Dawn--a name taken from one of your groups, I think. To realize that this is all just one big brainwash that science has debunked is amazing. You've brainwashed millions of people to emulate the trickster and the devil..."
     Sir, we gotta go!
     "I wonder why that's so appealing. I wonder why! Do they have to be abusive to the world around them--"
     Sir, right now!
     "There are millions of counterexamples. Even in Los Angeles nightclubs, kids from Egypt dance with Caucasians who dance with Jews who dance with... Earth is on the brink of self destructing because of you and people like you."
     Do it!
     "We have solutions for the Earth." said Crowley.
     That's a problem, thought Nietzsche.


     Everyone packed up, zipped up, and righted themselves after handling Crowley. He was dead now--THAT'S FOR SURE. What a mess.
     These Olympic Soldiers then said their own final words and jumped from the Castle's ledges. It would be destroyed. They would meet for Japanese lagers back in Los Angeles.

     Later, Nietzsche would fulfill his destiny declaring the end of the Aeon of Horus--which was probably just another name for the Kali Yuga, a Hindu term for marking various epochs and their cycles. But more importantly, he declared the end of religion and "mysticism". The Bible and other religious texts were full of errors and it was time for them to go. They were a recipe book for factions and cults, ethnocentric maps to god, and holy wars over who was God's people and some who honestly went with Satan on the whole thing.

     "Truth and error are your business" said Nietzsche "not gods and devils. This is how you will accomplish your own enlightenment." Gods were things that belonged to the last epoch. No more worship of mascots or motifs.

     The age of magick was over but Zeitgeist wasn't. Would never be. That was Crowley's responsibility, mixing ceremonial magick with zeitgeist. He traveled all over the world looking to learn from anyone who could teach him magick. Not good. Magick doesn't exist. But anomalies do, and they can fool many.

    Later, Nietzsche would point out his observations to Great Britain, The United States of America and Canada. The "Eye of Horus" was removed from the One Dollar Bill soon thereafter.

     "A Purge is Coming"came to be expected by educated men and women, shaken awake. It later happened, allowing space for new philosophies written by science, not bias.



     Before conspiracy theorists leap out of their chair pointing out the "ONE" in all caps that I use to abbreviate the tentative or working title for a new bible, One Earth for One Mankind--this is incidental. It's also the kind of thing that can deceive people. I've had enough anecdotal evidence and story for my legend to satisfy me and others. Someone asked me to keep a notebook of these kinds of things, but I'm not to crazy about the idea.

     On the other's kind of funny if you read the bill from left to right. Eye (or Aeon) of Horus, ONE and possibly the ending or war, or the USA, as it was just before the change. Is this something to pay attention to? A good sign? No.

     These are exactly the sort of things that fooled occultists all of the time. They took them as signs and acted on them. In the past, many religious groups thought they new when the world would end based on this kind of "information". People sold homes. Some didn't save for retirement. Some commited suicide, etc.

    There are more "philosophies", doctrines, rules and so on that have been created by these kind of groups. Kids today don't understand where we come from. A bumper sticker that read, My Other Car is a Broomstick wasn't uncommon as recently as 1995.

     Personally, I find it much more assuring to find myself in harmony with previous stories of legend. I was surprised when I realized this---I am in rapport with more than just one, and not just from Judeo Christianity. The odds of this are small, I think. That to me is more important than reading tea leaves on the back of the one dollar bill. More important than Jungian Synchronicities. Richard Feynman investigated this sort of thing, and while doing so laughed when he pulled into a parking lot and the license plate on the car in front of his had the exact sequence of letters that he had written down elsewhere--and this happened after he started his investigaions of the paranormal! He didn't buy it. He said, You are always a coincidence with something somewhere, the problem is you are not there to witness it. Or something like that. Which is funny. When I first stumbled upon Anderson Fractals (my name for harmony with previous situations) I realized that every time you walk down the street, you are in harmony with trillions of people whoever lived and walked down the street. No big deal. But when you stop to talk with someone, you cut the number in half. When you sort by subject material, you cut the number again, when you add ages, you cut the number again.

   Is this useful? Depends. IF you remain harmony with the person who stopped to talk, and that person was later hit buy a bus, then yes, this info is useful. The odds of you knowing about it are almost zero--but if you happened to know of it--you might be able to avert the bus and save your life.
Jung taught people to pay attention to synchronicities as differentiated from coincidences because of their relevancy. Others have taught not to let them inspire faith in the paranormal or a teacher, but don't ignore them altogether either. I say, sychronicities as differentiated from coincidences will happen to us all, if they yield anything useful great. Finding yourself in harmony with past fractals and knowing what to do or what could be ahead is far more instructional and valuable.

    Which brings me to this--last point--gotta go. In the bible it says that Jesus returns to beat the devil. IF that were the USA or IF that were to mean white "Supremacy" --(on a personal note, I grew up around caucasians who were sometimes doing technical work and sometimes not--what a joke! They would never argue their superiority to anyone else. Crowley was born AT THE EXACT TIME when this philosophy was at it's strongest--REMEMBER white supremacy was originally taught as a BIOLOGY, it is now taught as a IDEOLOGY--so what happened? They realized that they are not superior biologically but won't give up the idea.) And if the devil is defeated by Jesus, this is great news--Jesus is nothing other than "Enlightenment". Right now, I got a lot of people who are hypnotized. Jesus is nothing more than the fulfillment of the law. Great--the very personification of the law. Now, with this accomplished, theoretically, the devil realizes his scam is up. He relinquishes and billions of lives are saved but many are lost in the transition (or possibly fight). The bible says that after a thousand years of peace (because of all people participating in rule) the devil is released AGAIN!!! Can you believe it?! Who wrote this *&?!! Why would he be released again? Supposedly, he gets restless and in our "perfected state" (probably cyber and multi-cultural rule creating worldwide peace) God wants to see if we can rule over ourselves without the government there.

     Will this happen? I hope not. I don't know what the future holds. I do what is right because it's the right thing do to. (So do many Chinese American software engineers who live on $100k with a family of four. So do auto mechanics who live on $39k per year and obey the laws. Nothing is more infuriating than Tricksters or Celebrities or Supremacists who are cheating.) Removing the government won't bother me but you have to have achieved a "Nietzschean" stage of personal development first. Furthermore, the war and suffering are not worth it. I hope we lose harmony with this part of the story.

     The defeat of the devil is everyone's obligation. Don't look for something paranormal. Look for the Trickster, the Liar, the Cheat, the Brainwashed,the ones with Swatztikas and Confederate Flags, the Demonic (people who leer into the camera like a snake or who show no emotion when others are dying or tortured), look for the Felon,the Sociopaths, the Incorrigible, the Exploitive, the Reckless, the Suicidal, the Undisciplined, and so on. 

     The laws are already set against him. 

Beware another Holocaust

     Why would I say this? Because there are already signs of one (to me) but on a smaller scale. Right now White Privleges are a thing. What are they? Police powers, basically. They also allow themselves to escape comeuppance. Whites are not outing or prosecuting whites for serious felonies.

     There are reports of torture in American hospitals on American soil by American doctors. The "she-devil" is prominent in American pop culture and bound to influence a generation of young people either intentionally or incidentally.

     There are reports of Americans in government and military with swatztikas and confederate flags--both signs of slavery. Nazis are cruel to others. Remember what's at stake.

     There are food and water shortages everywhere. There are reports of global warming everywhere. Hedonism and unconscionable consumerism is here.

     And finally, Operation Birddog, my current situation is here. Although I have been trapped for 15 years in homelessness, no one says anything to me about it. I am in tens of thousands of ads--ads created here in Los Angeles--I have never spoken to anyone in Hollywood before in my life. I sleep outside on the ground. Everyone in Los Angeles knows me. I don't speak with others. When I lived in Beverly Hills and then Thousand Oaks, I did, but that was some 15 years ago. Since being homeless and back in L.A. I haven't had a five minute conversation with another homeless person or stranger save maybe five. Also, Operation Birddog has wasted trillions of dollars, spread pantomimes of sodomy and masturbation everywhere, wasted some 40,000 years uploading pictures and ads that accomplish nothing (supposedly for me to see), avoided courts for my prosecution, avoided compensating me while in homelessness but ordered to move, no newspapers report it, no news television reports it, everybody knows of it. So does the internet. I am connected to ALL media outlets. 

     One last chemical compound for the explosive: Do What Thou Wilt--what would you do if I gave you free will. How about anonymity? How about authority? How about surveillance? How about courts and police? Do you see what I mean? The writing is on the wall but on a smaller scale. Flagrant law breaking and assault are happening all of the time now. Hollywood and police are reportedly behind my illegal incarceration--why? For fun--literally to teach people a lesson that they can do as they please--I could be incarcerated for name calling while they walk away from Treason, Grand Larceny, Statutory Rape, Misuse of Police Powers; Influence, Conspiracy, and so on. They have tens of millions of dollars but intentionally rob others of happiness using cyber? Why? To show them who the boss is? America has attacked other countries for the same reason--without any provocations.

     What a lesson to teach the whole world, eh?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Data Science the Prophet

Image result for movie theater

"The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. No person or entity associated with this film received payment or anything of value, or entered into any agreement, in connection with the depiction of tobacco products. No animals were harmed in the making of this motion picture."

-Hollywood Disclaimer on "Fractals"

Good Morning. I am finally calm enough to type. I cannot begin to communicate the anger within me at the vulgar psychographics among us in law enforcement and/or Hollywood. I don't know who's responsible for what--it's for the FBI to track down, but the vandalism and childishness are soon to be the stuff of mythopoetic legend--mark my words. What is occuring is an anomaly of the highest order in Mankind's history. NEVER before has such flauting of the law been tolerated and it was far more explicable in the past than in our contemporary era.

If it was the death penalty before for wanton criminality, one could only shudder to contemplaing what it should be for today's adult, with a Bachelor's degree, a church on every corner, a University in every city, a library, a laptop, thousand dollar seminars for free on YouTube, and a smart phone app to pester you about your goals.

I am going to try to keep my sh*t cool as I sit here at the laundry typing. When I sit down to write, it is not because I desire to be a writer. It is because inspiration has struck and it needs to be recorded. I write like Beethoven composed, writing the entire symphony in one sitting, the entire piece in my head at once, not line by line , or in a linear sort of way. Because of this, it's infuriating to lose material written the first time. My first is usually best.

GRRR...[big breath] OKAY.

An insight came to mind in the last 24 hours about purging our outdated material. I wanted to suggest a date that might be 10 years from today or 7. I thought about making it 10 years from the date my laptop was stolen, on December 31, 2018, because that would be just before New Year's, when people typically begin anew.

The point of this is for harmony. It's to reduce the confusion and factions among us and to promote harmony worldwide--then, another question came up--about that very notion--harmony and time; relativity.

For the sake of argument, humor me. Some people are expecting Jesus--literally Jesus, to appear to them. I told you this was false since Jesus never existed to begin with so don't look for him. I also told you that my insight was about fractal patterns. That, if you were aware of a fractal or pattern in sociology, then you would want to pay attention to it to anticipate problems or opportunities. This isn't new. Commodity traders, sociologists, policy wonks, etc. pay attention to data and stats like this to intuit the best move.

Please bear in mind--no matter how much of a stretch it is to believe--it could be a fictional story. Doesn't Hollywood have disclaimers on movies that state "any resemblance to people or situations, living or dead is purely coincidental and the studio disavows any knowledge or appropriation"?

Now we come to the whole  point of this blog: The book of Revelations. In the book of Revelations, Jesus appears at "the end times" to defeat the devil. I told you that there is no such thing as a devil but there is evil. Don't confuse them.  Furthermore, I realized recently, that "Jesus" is not supposed to show up in China or Russia or Pakistan. He is supposed to be HERE--in the USA--and ONLY in the United States.

Why? Because in the Bible, if we want to use this as a fractal--not a prophecy--(you should be nervous now because your afraid of the hair on your neck beginning to rise)--says that the Great Beast 666, will arise out of the water with the drunken harlot on it's back. It is common knowledge among all Christians that the Beast is the United States and the harlot, according to the Bible is the corrupted church (and probably, by extension, ("some, but not all"-Chomsky) Hollywood).

Why the USA? Because the USA is the world's first "superpower" or global government. But it isn't God's. Wait, no such thing as God's. So what could it mean? It means WITHOUT RULES. Does it matter? Yes, LoL! It matters. The whole point of the Bible from the opening passage is to establish a "philosophy" or Rule--who should decide? You or me? You want rules. I don't. Which is best? I think I can do it without your bullshit.

Wait. I thought the USA was God's Land. Well, it was. The founders of this land were openly Judeo Christian, created a haven from totalitarian mind control, slavery, gave men autonomy and the right to bear arms so it wouldn't happen again, and Whites fought to the death to free their African friends from a life spent in chains and retarding mistreatment.

Now, what do we have? We have reports of psychological and sexual molestation coming from multiple people throughout the country at the hands of an arrogant "police force", there are insinuations of slavery or ownership of another human again despite it's illegality, there is uncontrolled consumerism and waste. There is hate speech codified in expensive magazines. There are felons walking free because they are handsome or have pretty boobs or they sleep with Senators over the sky...
There are reports of unilateral and unprovoked attacks on other parts of mankind to let them know "who the boss is". These attacks leave others with cancer and their kids with birth defects for generations to come. For what? Sometimes bullying. Sometimes oil. But the USA consumes 50% or so of the world's oil with 5% of the world''s population. We have already reached a point of polluted water, land and air but the country still wants more.

Image result for lifestyles of the rich and famous

"Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" was a popular show that ran from about 1984 to 1995. It featured over the top examples of wealth and would have been fine as parody (limousines with saunas where the trunk should be) but it was real. Today, in 2019 there is rioting over climate change in Paris, Australia, the USA caused by CO2 emissions, which the USA and China are chiefly responsible for. The USA only has 5% of the world's population but uses 50%. Are we the best country in the world? No. We are #35 according to WEF. We may have been #1 in the 80's but I don't have time to check.

What does that mean? It means from 2019 to 1984 (technically less) you had 35 years to ride around like David Lee Roth with hot chicks in a sauna in the back of a Limo. That was it. It's over. Every time you start the engine on a Cadillac Escalade a penguin dies.

Image result for david lee roth

Same country? Same values? No.

Some say that there are even insinuations of "evil" as a monkier "against" "God" (or possibly Israel by SOME, but not all Bonesmen. CIA didn't have their first Jewish member until mid 70's or so but they date back to the late 1700's before the country had a name. They are from the U.K. and they were openly antisemitic once upon a time but I don't think they are anymore).

Remember from the podcast I told you about an Anti-Christ for a Christ and an apostate for every church?

This, if true--was a HUGE mistake. Almost deafening in it's failure in your ears; heart stopping in your chest. You cannot be born "Nietzschean" or someone superior. It requires a lifetime of training.

"Truth and error are your business, not gods and devils. That is how you will accomplish your own enlightenment." -Titus Nietzsche Anderson

It may sound like conspiracy quackery but sometimes I wish someone would ask a top General or Bonesman:

1. Is the pentagram or pentacle commonly associated with "Satanism" part of the Pentagon's motif or is it incidental?

Image result for pentagon

2. Have you ever poisoned innocent people without provocation around the world to show them "who the boss is"?

3. Have you ever taught police in America how to choke, sexually molest, or sodomize other Americans and then terrify them into silence?

4. Have you ever intentionally tried to make someone a 'sociopath' who is not naturally a sociopath, racist, or xenophobic? Link: Sometimes it Backfires

5. Have you willfully ignored data, cover-ups of climate, production of plastic, or published data to make American's eat "crap"or carbs while the rest of the world eats normally?

6. Have you ever allowed another country to bottle this country's drinking water and fly it back to their respective country while this one begins to complain about contamination. Have you ever forced bowel movements on Americans for sport, forcing them to flush potable water down the drain during a water drought?

But NestlĂ© argued in a written response to the State Water Resources Control Board on Friday that it has rights to take at least 88 million gallons each year – nearly three times as much as it took in 2016. That stance conflicts sharply with state investigators’ findings, and with arguments by NestlĂ©’s opponents that the company doesn’t have any water rights at all in the national forest. 
-Desert Sun 2/9/18

7. Have you decided to make the decision on behalf of all Americans to "party like it's 1999"? Did you give them a choice?

I have defined satanism before. It's not devil worship--it's hedonism. It's a man without a book. It's what a man is by default.

If anyone ever leers at you or into the camera like a snake or Hannibal--kill him. It isn't normal. Could be hypnosis. Could be schizophrenia. Could be evil. Not my problem.

Let me tell you, you don't know what chaos is yet. People jumped to their deaths in the 1920's because their money wasn't any good anymore. WAIT until you can't drink the water in your own house. A NASA astronaut from Virginia is complaining about this very thing. Rage against the machine has gone global with people all over the world from America to Paris to Australia and probably other parts of the world (not white) that you don't see much coverage of.

What you don't understand about the Bible is that it's not a "prophecy" by a seer or psychic--it's a very predictable outcome of undisciplined behavior. Last century's prophet is today's data scientist. Get rid of the parlance so you can see clearly. Not so paranormal.

"Jesus returns to beat the devil." Wrong.

That is what I call metaphorming--a word I learned from Todd Siler. When I was a boy I bought a book called Think Like a Genius. I remember that. Metaphorming. In other words, it's almost like anthropomorphic depictions of naturally ocurring phenomena in weather. REMEMBER the 3 deptictions of God from the seminar? Jesus isn't necessary. The devil may be self destructing and he is planning on taking you with him. "Jesus" has nothing to do with his destruction. Neither do the Jews or the Hindu or anyone else. He is doing it to himself.  It's a metaphorm of person imposed upon the phenomena.

You do see signs of self-destruction, don't you? How about wanton behavior? Did it trigger a problem before? You read my blog religiously, right?

It's decided, then.

"The devil is a level of consciousness, not an entity." Dr. David Hawkins

Be mindful of animals, people, con men or anyone who you think is about to find themselves painted into a corner or prosecuted, etc. They can become crazy, aberrant.

If the USA isn't going to mind the Law, then it's rogue. Rogue isn't God's, rogue is rogue. Drink all you want. Make all you want. Pollute all you want. I give up. I don't know what to do. Let's hope we can outrun our problems, eh?

Undisciplined behavior is what triggered every single "revolution" or catastrophe. Governments stealing; police brutality; totalitarian states; economic elitism, etc. But this one is bigger. The bible isn't crazy, you just don't know how to read it.

And on that note, I am going to start wrapping it up. You are still to prepare yourselves for a purge. Your books have errors in them. I am no expert, but I suspect that the bible and it's rules COULD be a self-fulfilling prophecy of ALGORITHMS. Divide people into factions. Give them an ethnocentric map to god, and watch what unfolds over time, as they battle for the supremacy of their group. It's a boiler plate for problems. My job is to stop it.

If that sounds ridiculous you don't understand what an Overman is. An Overman per Nietzsche, the Hindu, Christians and so on. A real Overman is rare and is not something you can choose for yourself but you can make yourself ready to serve if such a fractal "opens" before you. Not likely to happen or be a big one very often. But if that sort of thing appeals to you, fine. I hope it's the job you've always dreamed of.  LOL... It's a job in the Kingdom, like any other. Do what you are suited for. Teacher? Teach. Bricklayer? Lay them straight, mason. Etc. You are valued if you can bring your value to the table without collaterals--according to the Math not my "opinion". You've learned that by now, right? Slow learners are not that highly valued. Neither are the vane, narcissistic, blah, blah, blah...There is a legitimate reason why founders of Thought, Fraternity or Country dont' want them. Stay sharp.

Titus-Nietzsche, what if you're wrong? Wrong about what--ethnocentric maps to god? You can't all be right--Islam, Aryans, Israel, Christians, etc.Wanna fight about it? Nah. Want peace? Yeah. Wrong about what--walking around with textbook full of errors? No thank you. We know what makes the Bible valuable and we know what makes it dangerous. This applies to all religious texts. These will belong to the last Epoch. I guarantee you if major destruction is at hand, those fucking books are the last thing you'll see on a person or in their home.

Whether Armageddon is at hand, we don't know. It's not what motivates the Promethean, abstract thought does. It differentiates us from the animals. This isn't what I planned to do or become--AT ALL. It's probably not the job you might think it is. This is not an 'end of the world' cult. I am not a psychic or prophet. I am not asking you to join a group other than the group that has cleansed itself of impurities, filth, witchcraft, unconscionable behavior, and the like. Stand on your own feet, dammit. You know gods from devils correct from incorrect, Truth from falsehood. We will be here to help.

Speaking of Epoch's, you should be assured that the next one should be "antifragile". It wouldn't be Sharia or Quakers or Hasidic Judaism nor should it be Hedonic. Anything too far to the left or right will invoke problems.
There is wonderful opportunity here to smash the last boilerplate! Start from a clean piece of paper with today's data science and poets. Don't build on the old. DON'T.

Also, beware Ameica's enemies. If we fall into chaos, we will look awfully good to foreign invaders. They could be straight up Nazi. I don't know. But I do know Nazi's don't usually like religeon too much. Or it could be Asian. Who knows. Maybe nobody wants a land that looks like a schizophrebnic with it's stomach slashed open and plastic or motor oil inside. Whatever.

Do what is right because it is right. Not because you found a cavity open to occupy. Not because you can't be seen. Mark my words, today's "aryan" is a joke. No Aristotle, Knights Templar, Samurai, or anyone traditionally associated with abstract reasoning and kamikaze devotion to Nobility would approve. What I can surmise is a lamentable step regressively into the past. A past written by "philosophers" who did not have today's education or stats or studies in genetics, anthropology. Never saw an African woman teaching advanced math at MIT. (Yes, she exists. Not a metaphorm.)

Do tell me you can pass an IQ Test and not be deceived by someone's skin color or boobs or uniform. You can do that can't you? 

You had better.


Image result for army uniform

Related image

What seminar? You can find it here:

I am not entirely done with this post. Will update with details as needed.