Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Open Letter to ODNI


January 21, 2014

Dear <Name Deleted> or Current Civil Liberties Protection Officer,

This letter is a complaint and may become a publicly published note.

My name is Titus Anderson. My social security number is <Number Deleted>.

I am writing to complain about misconduct by one or perhaps many of our intelligence agencies. I have been taken against my will into a project that was choreographed most likely for the purposes of a publishing deal or deals.

For the last fifteen years an astronomical amount of material, (informercials) have been written and performed for my benefit. This means tv shows, cable shows, major motion picture, newspapers both local and international, magazines, local and international news and so on.

While receiving instructions and information from these sources our police agencies are being choreographed and “activated” to “prosecute” me but without using a courtroom or proving a case.

Approximately nine years ago I was manipulated into a state of homelessness by the authorities misusing a number of technologies and people around me. The informericals  started about two to three years before I went into homelessness.

Although I have some mistakes in my background, I have nothing that would warrant nine years in homelessness with health problems given to me by the authorities. I have received literally thousands of intructions to walk or move and I already have to do a lot of walking to panhandle for work. I estimate I have walked about 11,000 miles in the last five years, possibly more.

At no time has there been any prosecutions, courts, witnesses, examinations, discovery process, etc.
I have essentially been incarcerated for sport by the police and I cannot prove or demonstrate this by myself because there is no one who will collaborate my story. However, I have accumulated several hundred “informercials” that are in my possession.

I am demanding that your office prosecute the officers responsible for choreographing this scheme and for deceiving me into a de facto incarceration. It is supposed to be the death penalty for those responsible. I have the right to an attorney, to know my civil rights, to know who is prosecuting me, even prisoner & felon rights, what the duration of the incarceration is to be, and if there are any illegal unions among police, witnesses, victims, publishers, movie stars and so on. 

As an undercover agent, I don’t want the job. It’s too dangerous. The police and their minions are too stupid and heavy handed to know when to say when. Essentially, they are making a spectacle of me so someone else can brag about it or publish it in some format for others entertainment. That could include metaphors and pictograms in popular magazines among many, many other possibilities.

I am contacting other possible leads to help me prosecute and this letter may be released publicly. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. My phone number is <Number Deleted> and my address is <Information Deleted>.

Thank you,

Titus Anderson